Chapter 6: Giving in?

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Misty couldn't believe that she found Ash again by the building's entrance once she got home. It was seven at night. Ash was standing against his car.


Ash looked up. He beamed when he saw the redhead. "Hey! I was waiting for you!"


"Can we go out for dinner?"

"What—no!" Misty automatically snapped. She didn't need to think much about it. Men were the enemy. "No!"

"Oh, okay... maybe I rushed things—but hey, I promise, if you don't want me to pay for you, I'll let you pay! I know you have this weird thing against men doing stuff for you and all."

"Shut up! You're so rude!" Misty snapped at him again. She was feeling ridiculously her face heat up. Her face was warm—wait, why was she blushing?

"But it's true. Why don't girls like to hear the truth?"

"Oh my God! Get off of my face!"

"But, I really want to have dinner with you."

"I don't!"

Ash grinned and started leaning back. Misty stepped back this time, but only slightly. She was still a bit closer to Ash. "You have to try me. I'm actually pretty good. I'll take you to all those expensive restaurants in the coast road."

"What—what are you say—you're crazy!" Misty's heart was starting to beat faster. She could swear she was going to say yes for a second. Was Ash Ketchum brainwashing her?

"How about La Rive? Dad takes mom to it all the time. He's old but he got taste, hum?"

"No—no! I mean I don't want—I said no!"

"Okay then. We can go to a fast food place."


"Okay. We'll eat at your place. How about that?"

Misty gasped again. Now he was inviting himself into her house! How dare he! "You—you're so rude!"

"You call me rude; you don't want to have dinner with me..." Ash pulled away. He was still grinning. "But you don't walk away, and you keep talking to me. What's that supposed to mean, Miss I-don't-need-men-in-my-life?"

"Take that back!"

"There you go. If you don't like me, just go. Come on." Ash leaned back against his car and crossed his arms over his chest. He was wearing again shorts and a tee shirt and this one was tighter and showed off his muscles more.

You just did not... Misty took a deep breath. She started to walk her way inside the building, and her steps were very slow on the stairs.

"You sure you don't want to have dinner with me?"

Misty turned around quickly. "Will you leave this place if I do?"

Ash smirked. "You're pretty new to this relationship stuff, aren't you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Misty gasped and rushed to Ash. He pulled away when she tried to hit him with her bag. "Huh?"

Misty's heart fluttered when Ash winked at her. He was making her mad and happy at the same time. How dare she let herself fall for his tricks? He was disgusting and arrogant!

"Quit it and get in, milady." Ash walked over to the other side of the car and opened the door for Misty. "Wait, that didn't sound sexist, did it?"

"Just promise you'll stop bothering me after we have dinner."

Ash chuckled. Misty glared at him and got inside the car. She was looking around it discreetly, and turned to look the other way once Ash was inside as well.

"You master the art of pushing guys away."


"It works sometimes, but not all the time—and certainly not with me. But I'll just ignore it and pretend you never said those things."

"Stop it! I'm only doing this because I want you away from me!" Misty's tone betrayed her. Even her voice betrayed her. Ash could clearly tell she was lying.

She hated this.

"You're funny. I love it." Ash clicked the button behind the steering wheel and the car got switched on. He then turned on his radio and up the volume.

"I'm serious!" Misty shouted. She was kind of tired of playing this game, but she couldn't just let in a guy now. Certainly not a guy. She had to fight back. Where have gone her principles?

"Calm down, Miss Independent. I know you're serious. Now just enjoy the ride and the music will you?"

Misty huffed and turned to look the other way again. She let a small gasp when Ash took off fast, and she shouted when he burned the first red light they reached. Cars coming from the two opposite ways were throwing honks and even shouting out cursing words.


"You think I bought a sports car so I can stop at a red light? You're mistaken. Hang on tight, Miss Men-are-jerks!"

Misty hid her face behind her bag for the rest of the ride.

To be continued. 

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