Jason roscoe fanfiction

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Jason woke up the next day got dressed and went down stairs everyone was sitting down they both had agreed not to tell sandy anything as she would just worry.

Robbie helped himself to everything there jason on the other hand had a glass of water and skipped breakfast "excuse me eat" said sandy "im not hungry" he said as he left robbie grabbed toast and left with jason "you alright J" he said as he finished eating "yes totally" he said trying to stay calm.

"Look I don't have to hang with the boys I'll hang with you" robbie said though he wanted to go of with the boys "I'm not a blinking freak I don't need to be followed" jason said why did his brother have to embarrass him more he knew he had no friends but he didn't care, "I know it ain't cool to be seen with me" jason muttered robbie felt awful he always ignored jason and separates when approaching school with him "jase I..." Jason felt sick as he approached school he was so fat everyone knew it "I ain't going in alright" jason mumbled, Robbie couldn't believe it his kiss ass twin was going to bunk "what are you serious" he said looking at his twin "yes now what do you do?" "Huh" robbie said "when you skip.." "oh right go and drink in the park and mess with the boys" jason turned round "see you later" before robbie could follow his friends ran over "what you talking to the weirdo for" he smirked robbie wanted to punch him he was his twin and he had made out he hated him to all his friends "nothing" robbie said as he looked back but jason was gone.

Jason had snuck in to the garage and stole the beer supply and was now sitting on the grass it was now free period and he felt his phone vibrate it was robbie he had texted what ya up to jase? Jason took another bottle drinking he replied.

Robbie reached for his phone and saw his reply drinking jason had wrote  Robbie texted back what are you playing at you nutter! Robbie had no idea what was wrong with his twin.

Jason was still drinking when he got the reply  he hadn't eaten and his body was just full of alcohol he was getting drunk. 

He started texting stupid messages to robbie in class.

Robbie felt his phone vibrate but before he could see the teacher approached him "where is jason roscoe" robbie muttered "he is sick sir" robbie had no idea what to say he didn't know what his twin was up to he should of went with him.

Robbie read his phone which said 5 new messages one read robbie come join me and some other words which he couldn't make out "drunk" robbie muttered he dialed Jason's number.

Jason grabbed his phone he answered the call "hi robbie" he said giggling robbie yelled down the phone "stop drinking I'm coming where are you?"

Jason drinking the last bottle ignored robbie and said "how is school" he said while taking more drink robbie could here jason drinking more and more "jase stop your diabetic..." before he could finish jason started coughing robbie panicked "jason jase what's wrong stop that" he said concerned jason muttered through coughs "you care now do you" robbie said "yes of course I do stop drinking you haven't eaten anything I'm coming to get you"he said running out of school.

Jason was sitting there sleeping surrounded with bottles when robbie came "jase" he said kneeling beside his twin jason woke up "you came..." Robbie muttered "shhhh jase lets get you back" he said swing his brothers arm  over his shoulder "NO I'm not done" jason said robbie walked back as jason mumbled on.

Robbie led jason into the bathroom "be sick" he muttered as he knelt near jason he knew something was wrong he never missed school that was just robbie not jase.

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