Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Freddie watched in horror as his younger brother collapsed to the floor, he immediately ran over to his brother "JASE!" He knelt by his still brother "Oh shit Jason, can you hear me say something!" He said worryingly and began shaking jason, he placed his two fingers on Jason's neck to find a pulse "Oh thank god!" He said in relief as he felt Jason's faint pulse, he cupped Jason's face and began tapping his cheek but jason was still unconscious "Jason can you hear me" he said concerned as his brother continued to lie there.

Freddie was trying not to panic too much, He began to shake jason again and that's when something fell out of Jason's pocket, the steroids rolled out and Freddie gasped in shock as he instantly recognized the bottle "Oh no,no jason how many have ya taken" he said beginning to worry even more he decided it was best to take Jason inside he picked jason up noticing how light and bony his younger brother had become he carried him to the garage.

Robbie and ziggy had headed out and Joe was drinking a bottle of water when he noticed Freddie yelling "Help!" Joe instantly ran over "Oh my god what's happened" he said as he noticed Jason's frail body in Freddie hands, "He collapsed he won't wake up Joe" he said trying not to show the panic in his voice, Joe instantly grabbed Jason's frail body and placed him down "Oh god no" he gently rubbed Jason's cheek "Can ya hear us mate" Joe asked beginning to worry,  "Joe, I think he took too many of these..." he said passing Joe the steroids "Oh please no!" Joe muttered as he starred at the steroids.

"Jason you need to open your eyes for us mate!" Joe said cupping Jason's  pale face, "Will he be ok, Joe" Freddie asked, "Dont worry Freds he will be alright" he muttered as he began unzipping Jason's jacket.

Jason could hear Joe and Freddie voices and the feeling as Joe unzipped his  jacket, he moaned slightly and scrunched up his face.

Freddie and Joe turned round and heard Jason moan and begin to blink, both boys let out a sigh of relief as they realised he was okay, "You gave us quite a scare there jase" Freddie muttered sounding relieved, Joe gently placed his hand on Jason's chest and the other on Jason's back and both boys carefully sat jason up against the wall, jason went to move but Joe and Freddie place there hands on his shoulders "Dont move, just relax ok?" Joe said  rubbing his hand over Jason's now flushed cheeks "You alright jason" Freddie asked, jason gave a weak nod.

Freddie and Joe gave  each other a glance before turning back to jason "What happened jase?" Freddie asked wanting to hear the truth but jason just pretended it was something else "I haven't eaten anything today and I was a little warm, I'm fine though" Joe just gave him a glare "Jason thats not the truth, we found these you have taken far too much of this shit!"He said holding up the steroids, jason starred in horror he felt his eyes fill with tears "I....didnt...you can't say anything...please" he sobbed, Joe pulled Jason closer to him "just calm down mate, it's going to be okay but why were you taking that shit!" Joe asked looking at jason, jason just starred "I'm sorry" he muttered Freddie just starred "Why would you take this crap do you know how dangerous this thing is and what harm it can cause!" Freddie yelled, Joe glared at him "Freddie shut your mouth and just calm down, go get jason some water and something to eat I don't think he has eaten anything or drank in a while" Joe said as he tried to comfort jason who was crying even more.

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