Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Jason could hear Joe yelling at Freddie, he did feel bad but he couldn't do anything now could he?

Robbie ran up the stairs when he heard everything that was going on "Whats all the yelling about?" Robbie asked as he starred at Joe,  Joe didn't want to tell Robbie about the steroids he had promised jason that would be a secret,but he had to tell something but he couldn't "Nothing, it's sorted!" He said and give Freddie another glare before he nodded to jason and followed Robbie down the stairs.

Freddie stormed into Jason's room once Joe and Robbie were out of site and he had heard the tv be switched on "What the hell!" Freddie muttered quietly so no one would hear, jason just starred "What!" He said stupidly as he made Freddie even more angry he grabbed Jason's shirt and pushed him to the wall "You know bloody well what I mean, How could you say that! I helped you when ya collapsed and I made sure Robbie, mum and ziggy never found out and you go tell utter bullshit!" Freddie said as he yelled right in Jason's face, jason looked away "I'm sorry, But you shouldn't sneak up on people!" Jason mumbled as he tried to break out of Freddies grip,  "What is wrong with you jase, I wasn't sneaking up at you, But your just skin and bones and it's scaring me, why are you so thin!" Freddie muttered he no longer sounded angry or pissed just worried, "I'm NOT!" Jason yelled angrily "Why do you lie?" Jason muttered, Freddie let go of his grip on jason "Lie about what? What's wrong,mate?" Freddie asked, jason just turned away "nothing" but Freddie grabbed Jason's arm "What is it..." he stopped talking when he noticed Jason winced in pain as he had grabbed his arm, "What's wrong jase, your in pain!" Freddie asked concerned.

Jason starred "I'm fine, I'm not in pain alright" he muttered as he left the room, Freddie just watched as jason rushed out of the room to the bath room "Jase,wait just talk to me!" Freddie pleaded but jason just ignored him.

Jason rushed to the bathroom ignoring Freddie as he called him back, he closed the door and rolled up his sleeve, as he thought his arm was bleeding badly.

Jason quickly grabbed the toilet paper and pressed it against his cut but the bleeding continued he then grabbed the towel and tied it round his arm.

Robbie came up the stairs and knocked on the bathroom door, "Jason, you ok you been in there a while?" Robbie asked as he continued to knock, jason starred "Yeah...fine" he muttered as his arm began stinging, Robbie didn't believe him "No your not, What's wrong?" Robbie asked again, jason didn't no how to reply "I'm perfectly fine...just go!" Jason yelled angrily, Robbie just walked off "If your sure!" Robbie muttered wondering back down stairs.

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