Jason roscoe fanfiction!

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Freddie  came back with a bottle of water and a sandwich "Take this" he muttered as he sat by jason and joe "I'm not hungry" Jason muttered as he grabbed the water bottle and began opening the lid, "just eat a little mate" Joe said patting Jason's shoulder "So why were ya taking them?" Freddie said again but he was much more calm this time, "I...wanted to try them it was only that time I have never taken them before" he lied Freddie glared "But that don't explain why you took them?" Freddie said trying to stay calm and not get to angry with jason, Joe starred "You don't need this rubbish jason! who gave you the idea in the first place!?" Joe said putting the bottle to the side and patting Jason's shoulder Jason glared at Freddie "Freddie, I saw Freddie with them he was selling them"  Freddie just starred "You sold them to jason?!" Joe yelled confused, Freddie looked at Joe "NO of course I did not" he snapped, "No I bought them from someone else" Jason muttered "Why would you do that?, you have to promise us never to do anything like this again,promise!?" Joe said trying not to yell, jason gave a weak nod "Dont tell mum,ziggy and robbie! Please!" Jason asked "Fine, we won't but if you take anything like this again we will have to" Freddie yelled and Jason nodded.

Jason was still sitting there as he drank his water,Joe turned round "Eat the sandwich" Joe said walking over to jason, jason just glared "I'm not hungry so just leave it!" Joe rolled his eyes, Freddie glared at jason "Eat and then we can go! Freddie said pushing the sandwich closer to jason, jason picked up the sandwich, he didn't want to eat it but they would force him to so he took a bite and then gagged at the taste because he hadn't eaten anything like that in a while and he began gagging, Joe turned round "Jase? What is it,what's wrong?" He asked, Freddie starred and walked up to jason who was now coughing  and he knelt beside him and patted his back "You alright?" Freddie asked sounding concerned, "I don't want  it, I'm not hungry!" He muttered, Joe walked up to jason and took the sandwich off of him "Alright then!" He said placing it in the bin.

Jason tried to stand up and he stumbled  forwards but Freddie and Joe grabbed his arms "come on the lets go,yeah"  Freddie muttered as they left the garage.

Jason was sitting on the couch when robbie came in "Jesus,jase you look pale, you ok?" Robbie said sounding concerned as he sat next to jason, "No he's not I think he's coming down with something" Joe yelled from the kitchen, Robbie nodded "Oh right" he said as patted Jason's shoulder.

Later that day sandy made everyone dinner and everyone was eating it except Jason who wasn't touching it "I don't feel good,I'm going to go for a walk" he muttered as he left the table, Freddie frowned "Are you okay?" Jason nodded and left the house.

Jason went back to the garage where he found the steroids in the bin, he grabbed them and left.

Jason headed back home after his hour long run,Robbie was in their room and Joe,Freddie,ziggy and sandy were watching tv, he went upstairs and stepped on the scales this was the weight he had originally planned but because he was loosing a lot of weight he decided that was not enough and he wanted to carry on.

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