"Are they dead?!" Exclaimed a hysterical Dite, and if I were there I would want to smack Hera in the face.

"Of course not, dearie, not yet. We're still draining them you see, but the machine used takes quite amount of time to recharge, three days at most. But here," she sighed, "is our strong and healthy famiky. Don't you want to say hi to them."

Hera looked over to her adoptive daughter, "Well?" Aphrodite was pale as she stumbled to every god and every goddess. " Seph?" Dite asked quietly as she came upon a petite auburn hair girl. She looked up upon her name, "Dite?"

Seph looked tired and so sleepy on the verge more like it. She was overall upon the walking dead, and her usually tan skin was pale skin. "You c - came to save u-us?" Seph whispered hoarsely. The woman next to her, looked at her concern. I had a bugging feeling that was the missing Demeter.

"I" began Aphrodite.

" No dear niece she has come to join us," Hera inserted for her. Small whimpers and gasps were heard around the room and I knew right there Dite wanted to scream to them, it was part of a bigger plan. But she kept quiet, eyes drawn to the floor, she was quiet to make sure the secret wasn't out. Dite winged her fingers as they're were shouts of surprise and surprisingly harsh words aimed towards the love goddess.

At that moment, I never felt so bad for her. Even Seph scooted back against the wall, afraid that her traitor friend would do something horrible to all of them. "Now, come dear Aphrodite, shall we get to our deeds?" Hera quiered holding out her ebow. Reluctantly, Aphrodite walked over and interlocked with Hera, and I knew that everyone in that room, wanted to hate her. For they thought she did.

"Now wasn't that nice?" bullied Hera, who was walking slowly with Aphrodite.

"Plesant as it could be," retorted Dite in a lackful voice, "But I still don't get it why was Hermes there when Ares was kidnapped first, shouldn't Ares be in that room too?"

Hera laughed, "Oh child. I decided that EHrmes should be used on it first, because if Ares was the last one and I did it to him while your here, it would hurt you more."

"But that's not possible,-"

"I told Harold that Hermes should be done first, back at the forest or did you forget?"

"So that's what you were talking to him about."

"Indeed, well it seems like we should also check on Ares, shouldn't we?"

"Yes-Uh if it has to be done," stumbled Dite, averting her eyes everywhere from Hera.

"Very well. A quick visit then," and Dite nodded stiffly.

A room built of the same similar material was shown to them. The only thing different was it seemed that the protective door and the room inside was plastic, perfect trap for a angry god. The plastic always bounces back.

Ares was shackled, but his immortal glow was still golden and red as ever. The chains were iron and they had inverted spikes inside the cuff, causing injuring on the inside. The only difference of when I saw him last was that their was dried "blood" on his skin, and it looked like he was weaponless but his eyes raged fury. Straight at Aphrodite who was locked with Hera.

"Ahprodite? How could you?" he asked calmly, but inside I knew he was either swallowing in burning anger or was downing in hope, probably the first.

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