chapter 18

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*outfit uptop for when she goes on a road trip*

Out of fear and being flustered, I hung up like a coward. I put my phone down to get my bearings.

Until I heard the phone ring again I imidiatly went to look at the caller ID to believe it was lucien again but to my surprise it wasn't it was josh.

"Hey," Josh, I say. "What's up?"

"Well," He starts out with, either an uncomfortable moment of silence that begins to bring a chill to my bones, wondering if something has happened.

"Josh, what happened? You're making me feel uneasy."

"You need to get here now. We need to talk."

And then he hung up.

What the fuck

I was so confused but then I get a notification on my phone that Josh sent me a location, welp let's see what Josh has up his sleeves.

When I make it to the building that Josh told me to go to, I realize I've ended up in a witch shop, weird.

So as I walk into the store with a ring of a bell, letting know my presence, I walk in to see Josh and a voodoo witch woman.

"Josh?" I say with nervousness in my voice.


He says, but with a mix of uncertainty

"Or should I say Eve."




After a while of explaining and talking I found out that Josh not knowing me well enough went to a witch and went into my apartment and took a few things to do some witchy tests just for Josh to find out I'm a body snatcher.

They don't know im from a different universe they just know I was a girl named Eve, and I've taken residency in the body of Aurora de martel.

So that's how now I'm in the passenger seat while Josh is driving his car. I decided to go take a trip to mystic falls with him because that's were the traveler knife is and I want to get my hands on it.

From what I found out is that everything in the plot of the originals is normal, but in the vampire diaries things aren't in the correct order, we're suppose to be in some old season but apparently the vampire diaries show was actually on season 5 when they should have been on 6, I should know I made a vampire to go spy for me.

3 weeks ago

A couple leaves the roussets after hanging out with their friends. Their names are John and Jamie.

J: yo that party was sick, we should go there again.

G: totally that place was the

J: Hey, no one says that anymore.

And while they were arguing, they failed to hear a whoosh in the background, and as they trun a corner through an allyway, the dark figure peered at them from the rooftops.

G: Oh, come on, you know I lo..


J: omg Jamie.

He goes to run to her, but she ends up disappearing out of thin air in an instant.

The last thing he feels is the force of blood going down his throat, and the last thing he feels and hears is his neck getting snapped.

Present time.

Ok so it wasn't the nicest thing to do but honestly I didn't care and I could've stopped and used a second spy but honestly she tasted good I could've stooe but I didn't want to.... so I didn't, simple as that.

And as I've been telling you all this, I've been stuck in a car all day, I need a break.

"Josh, can we stop the car." I say with my best pouty face.

"No, we're only 30 minutes away from Virginia, OK? I'll think you'll live."

Oh wait, he says, "You can't cause your dead." He says all while he has a smirk plastered on his face

"Please, try looking in a mirror," I say, mirroring the smirk he gave me while he just rolls his eyes and moves his eyes from me to the road.

After the pleasant argument, I lay my head on my arm while I look out my window and think what's going to happen.

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