chapter 16

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I was sleeping very peacfully until I got a call from gia. Huh, that's strange. I look to my clock next to my bed, saying 12:32, shit it's the middle of the night.

"Hey gia, you okay?" How did she get my number, I thought.

No, she replies , "I just stole a freaking python, and I'm freaking out here."

"K, I'll be there in a minute." I say and hang up.

I decided to dress up like katherine when she first showed up in season 2

After a longish drive to the other side were marcel and his vampires are I make it to the bar location gia sent me.

I reach there, and I see gia at the bar. I approach her and put my hand on her shoulder, showing I'm here for her.

And us having comfortable silence with the only thing we hear is a man playing his guitar.

The next day, I spent my whole time helping gia with being a vampire, possibly... doing it behind marcel back.

So, as I'm helping her, she tells me that she has a boyfriend who broke up with her.

Huh, I thought she didn't date until elijiah came around.

"Ya, im so mad, like the bitch even left his stuff still at my house aaanndd he won't answer any of my texts!!!"

"Wow im so sorry" Then after a moment I say " hey can I borrow your phone, I just need to text sombody."

"Ya sure of course" she replies

So when she hands it to me I snoop and look at all the texts she sent he didn't answer to.

Hoo, I say


I didn't answer

"Aurora! Give me my phone, what are you doing!"

"I'm texting your boyfriend shawn."

I see the look of disbelief but curiosity

"What are you saying." She asked

"I'm saying I tired of you, you worthless piece of shit and I'm lighting your shit on fire." And before she could deny the request, I sent it.

"Dude, she says, why would you say that."

"Because we're going to light his shit on fire."

And she gave me a "Are you serious look" while I gave her a "I'm dead serious" look, which if you think that says something cause I'm already dead.

After a while, we both head to her apartment and get into our pjs she goes to put all of Shawn's things in a box while I put the fire on.

"Ah, ha," I say, all but laughing evily

"Really shawn." I hear her say as she walks onto the balcony with a box of his things.

"Skid marks on your underwear, what are you eight, wait, is this why he broke up with me because I didn't mother him enough!"

"Fuck you, wipe your own ass!" I say while taking the clamp i got from her kitchen and taking the boxers and throwing them in the fire.

"Burn, burn." I chant

I start to look through the rest of the stuff, and I take out a piece of paper.

"What is this?" I ask

"OH, that is actually a list of his favorite gumbo places in New orleans."

"Stop.. great mushroom non spicy gumbo, the fuck?!"

"OH ya he apparently doesn't like spice with his gumbo, and get this... he's a fucking vegan.

"Fucking idiot I say and throw the paper into the fire."

So minutes later were going to all the stuff he has shirts, pictures until we came to one last thing which was a trophy.

"Ya, and he won at a video game  because he saved the football." Putting emphasis on saving it.

"It's not even real football it's a fucking fantasy."

Then she got a call and hand the trophy over to me and she left the balcony I was about to thrown the metel trophy away until I heard something in it, weird?

So when she came back, I decided to hide the trophy in my purse and pretend I threw it in the fire.

Then, after a while, I went back to bed and decided I was going to figure out what was in that trophy.

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