chapter 15

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*outfit and hair for next day*

After the party and meeting gia and explaining to my brother for the millionth time I'm fine, I left to go back to my apartment.

I walk in, and I see the sweet old lady sitting at her office. "Hello, how are you." I say,"Oh lovely dear, " she responds.

After having the small chat, I decided to go to my apartment and lay down with a little jump, making my body automatically say oof.

So as I get into bed, I think how I'm going to spend the rest of my life.

*Next day*

After getting ready and putting on this cute shirt I bought online, I decided I wanted to look around the city even more, so as I put on my shoes I walk out the door to get ready for a new morning.

As I am walking around, I notice that there is an art gallery that I've never seen before that's on display.

So as I walk in, I look around to see the beautiful painting until one particular one catches my eye.

A red headed women in sheets naked and just the moment I realize whose gallery this is. I hear a familiar
Voice....make that two.

I look to my left and see klaus talking to lucien and just like that I see klaus grab him by the shoulder laughing and pulling him away to probably a party, If I remember correctly from the show.

And while I was distracted, I didn't come to realize that a certain suit original has come to my right.

"Aurora. He says, "I didn't think you would be at a place like this, let alone at my brother's gallery opening."

"Yes, well, I didn't either, yet here I am."

"Yet here you are." He replies

And for a few moments, we just stood there looking at the painting until curiosity got the best of me.

"Why are you talking to me, I thought you didn't like me, you know, because im crazy."

"You know, he states, curiosity killed the cat."

I scoff because of him says such a line

"And satisfaction brought it back." I respond with, and I walk away.

When I walked into the bar, I was going to order a drink until I stopped very old vampires. Lucien, and klaus.

He'll nah I mentally thought and got the hell out of there, but apparently luck isn't on my side cause as I was about to turn around lucien and me make eye contact.


So I decided, being the coward I am, ran back to my apartment.

I dont decide to go through the front door, but I go jump to my balcony and close and lock the door.

I change into some comfortable pjs and sleep to have a better day than today.

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