Chapter 172 - "What does he have that I don't?"

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Dante sat upwards, glancing at the new surrounding with not a clue where he was. The last thing he remembered was Nate dying in his arms, and then everything went black. All of a sudden, there was no more fire, the base was nowhere in sight, and he was in a room that he had never been in before.

There were wires connected to patches along his chest, and that was when he realized it was monitoring his heart beat. That meant he must be in some sort of hospital, but everything was much different than any hospitals he had previously been in. Although there were curtains surrounding his bed, it was a normal king bed rather than a hospital bed, and instead of the uncomfortable plastic chairs beside it, there was a sofa.

As he glanced towards his bedside table, there was a button there and a menu with an absurd amount of choices; there was no way the chef knew how to cook all of these items. That wasn't his priority at the moment, and he threw the menu onto the side before pushing the covers away. He had been changed in clean clothes, which was also strange since it wasn't a hospital gown but a plain white t-shirt and black sweatpants, even large fuzzy socks.

Maybe he wasn't in a hospital.

Regardless, he had to find Nate, at least his body. "Nate!" he shouted, ripping the wires from his chest and storming to his feet; he finally pushing the curtains apart. That was when he realized what was going on; contrary to what he believed, the room was gigantic and he wasn't the only bed in here.

His heart finally calmed when he pulled the curtains beside him, and in that king bed, there was Nate stretched out onto his back, his quiet snores causing his chest to rise and fall. Beside him was Lucius, who was curled against Nate's side, his head using Nate's healthy shoulder as a pillow, also asleep. They weren't the only ones asleep though; as he pulled the curtains for the other beds, he found Jake in one of them and Sarah in another.

Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him murmur, "Are you alright, sir Hercules?" When Dante spun around, he met the gaze of a tall older woman, her white hair wrapped into a bun over her head with a lengthy smile and squinty eyes. She was wearing a nightgown and slippers, as if she had been getting ready for bed. "Do you need something?"

Dante had never seen her before and he knew better than to let his guards down that easily. "Who the hell are you?"

The woman tilted her head to the side with a raised eyebrow, as if that question confused her. Until it dawned on her what happened, and her smile returned. "You were unconscious when you were transported here, that must be why you don't know me." She planted her palm on her chest and bowed forward, "My name is Dr. Janice, I'm the head doctor of this medical facility."

"What hospital is this?" Dante asked, still skeptical; he had never seen a doctor walk around in a nightgown.

"The WMHF, the Wolf Medical Health Facility." Dante had never heard of that before. "It's privately owned by Cesar Dayne for his troopers only; my medical team brought all of you here per Cesar's demand. I'm assuming it has to do with Nate being his son and you all being his friends."

Dante's brows furrowed; if they had all been transported here, then what had happened with the fight? There was no sight of Draco anywhere and part of him was worried that he would jump out of nowhere. He wasn't sure whether to ask her though, in case that caused tension; she worked under Cesar and they weren't the greatest fans of the Hercules.

As if she had read her mind though, she stated firmly, "Draco Hercules is dead." Then, she pointed to the last bed in the room and added, "That one killed him."

Dante's eyes grew terribly wide that they threatened to fall from their sockets. His mouth gaped open, ensure that the lady's finger truly pointed to who it was supposed to. Still though, he didn't believe that tiny and frail Sarah had defeated the giant, destructive and violent Draco; how could she have? They had fought for hours and couldn't even get him vulnerable.

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