14. The kiss

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Your Author has revealed the face, you can see on insta, nothing special just wanted to inform you.

Finally we hit 3k followers, thank you guys it's all because of your support.

Author's note

And yes, few people said that I repeated the same story in last two chapters, then just to tell you I did not. I was little sad, as Writing Alvin pov is one of the toughest job for me, I took alots of effort while writing his pov. As I wanted you to know his thought process and Pov. Alvin pov is something I cannot handle that's why I wrote very less as most of the story going according to Ishi's pov. But I believe both characters should be represented well. That's what I think. Do let me know if it's boring I will do something about it.

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Alvin's pov*

“No need!” Said her friend and anger rushed into my veins.

“ What do you mean by no need, she is unconscious? '' I asked her in anger while she gulped in fear. Good she should be afraid of me if she is thinking of taking my kitten for granted.

“ I mean, she always has medicine in her bag for emergency purposes, wait a minute” She told me while I signed in relief, she went to the table and opened her bag, I made her settle on the couch while her head rested in my lap.

Her friend came with the medicine and water, she put the medicine in her mouth and made her drink. She went to her feet and took off her slippers and started rubbing her feets.

“ Mr. Romano, could you please rub her hands?” She asked me while I nodded and started rubbing her hands which were cold as ice. ( guys I am from commerce field don't expect me to be an expert doctor, please ignore my mistakes)

After fifteen minutes we felt movement in her body.

She stopped rubbing and came towards her and held her hands tightly.

“ Please Ishi wake up, look everything is fine. Please yrr don't scare me please wake up” She said as tears streamed down to her cheeks and fell on my kitten's hand. By this time I know why my kitten got so furious when I talked about her friend. It's difficult to accept this but yes, I am guilty.

She opened her eyes slowly and closed again to adjust with the lights, my eye travelled to her face which was screaming with anxiety. Never in my life I have been so disappointed, I hurt the women whom I wanted to cherish.

She opened her eyes again when she felt someone beside her, her dark brown eyes met mine and tears filled in her eyes. My heart shattered into pieces when I saw tears in her eyes, I never wanted to witness this, never ever. Her attention diverted to the person who was crying while holding her hands, the moment she realised she got up immediately and hugged her friend.

“ Manu, you're fine. I am so glad” She said while cupping her cheeks and hugged her tightly again. She started crying her heart out, no it was not the fear. It was due to her trauma, she was pouring out her grief and I was dying every moment with her cries.

“ Ishi, what happened to you? Did you forget to take medicine? Why did this happen? As long as I know you never forgot, have you encountered darkness again?” asked her friend Manya, while I got confused. Is she on medication but why? All these questions were roaming in my head and these questions can only be answered by my kitten.

“ I am fine, don't worry.” She said while wiping her tears and stood up from the with the support of her friend. I wanted to hold her but she already stepped back.

“ Mr. Romano, as you can see I am not fine, arrange the contract immediately. So that I can leave” She ordered me while I nodded without any hesitation. Rest of the people were shocked by my reaction except her friends.

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