Fight For Us

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Hello again. 


It was time for Olivia to go on maternity leave. She was not ready for it either. She wanted to protest to Elliot and the doctor, but the doctor refused. Any longer and the babies would be put in danger. She understood, but she hated the fact that she'd be bored to death in bed. Elliot ended up getting several different baby name books and piled them on the bed one night. 

He smiled at her and said, "Pick the names of our baby girls," he said as he started stripping. She picked up one book in particular and chuckled. "Now you can't say you'll be bored," he added as he crawled into bed. 

She scoffed at him as he gave her a kiss good night. He left the light on for her to read as long as she wanted. She ended up staying awake for another hour before turning off the lights and going to bed as well. They had a hearing for adopting Daniel and Tyler tomorrow around noon anyway. 

"I look like a balloon," she protested as she turned sideways and looked at herself in the mirror. 

"A very cute balloon," Elliot retorted with a joking laugh. She turned to him and gave him a look which made him clear his throat and go back to tying his tie. Daniel had already been taken to school by Kathy and Tyler was spending another day with Eli and Kathy at her house. Elliot was very thankful that Kathy ended up agreeing to co parent two extra kids with him. He prayed that she'd help with the girls when they were born as well. 

The courthouse was very busy today. In one room was the trial of Mr. Henry Morris, the father that raped his daughter and got her pregnant with Daniel and Tyler. Another room was the hearing of evidence for another rape case. Then their case was in yet another room. Trevor Langon was already there and waiting. He greeted them with a smile. 

"Hello, I'm so happy that you two are wanting to fight for Daniel and Tyler to be yours," he stated as they went in. 

He lead them to their side and explained how things would work. Liv and Elliot listened hard to him. When the hearing started, the opposition tried very hard to make Liv and Elliot out as bad parents. They brought up all of his kids records, including Kathleen's very detailed one. They brought up Liv's lack of family ties in the past, Elliot's split family, and his temper. 

When it was Trevor's turn, he took a deep breath before standing. "Your honor, I'd like to start by stating that everything they just said is true."

Elliot and Liv looked dumbfounded at each other. "However, I'd also like to point out that they are expecting twins in just a few short weeks. The boys have vastly improved their skills, reminding you that their placement exams showed that Daniel, who is five, scored as a preschooler and Tyler could barely form full sentences. I've brought you some tests and papers that Daniel has done while he's in school. They've worked night and day to improve Tyler's speech and he's now learning his colors and even expressing interest in his older brother's work. Elliot Stabler has five other children; including a three year old that would grow up right beside Tyler and just two years behind Daniel. His ex-wife, mother of his older five children, has 90 percent custody of Eli Stabler while the older four are in their last few years of either college or high school."

Trevor got out the test scores and showed the judge who raised his eyebrows impressed. "Now the older kids have expressed support for their father and have made statements as to the adoption of Daniel and Tyler. They cannot be here in person because they are in school and it's nearly end of year exams. Elliot and Olivia have been at SVU for a combined total of 33 years. (correct me if I'm wrong. I simply added their years together.)  They have support from the entire squad at SVU, including the Captain of the squad, Captain Donald Cragen who has made a statement previously of how trustworthy and safe the children would be in their home. Furthermore, Elliot and Olivia have started looking for a bigger place for their children and plan on working at SVU for as long as Captain Cragen will let them."

After the speeches, the judge went into her chambers to review everything. Trevor stated that it was all a waiting game now. They went to an empty room where there was a couch so Liv could sit down and be comfortable. Elliot sat beside her and started praying. It had been a long while since he last prayed. 

It was an hour before there was a ding on Trevor's phone. "Judge is back."

They went into the courtroom and stood there as the judge made her ruling. "I've done this for years now. I've seen terrible parents being given kids that they shouldn't have, I've seen good parents lose their kids. One thing always is constant is who fights for the kids more is usually the one that loves the children more. With that being said, I believe that Elliot Stabler and Olivia Benson, you love these two boys as much as the two babies that are going to be brought into this world in a matter of weeks. My ruling is that the two boys, Daniel Charles Morris and Tyler Samuel Morris shall stay with you Elliot Stabler and Olivia Benson as your sons. However I am issuing three conditions. One, you two must get a house or apartment big enough for the family to be comfortable. Two, you two must agree on a main parent in case of a split. Last, you must love these boys for all they deserve."

Elliot and Liv started crying and hugged each other first before bringing Trevor in the hug. "Thank you so much," Liv said to Trevor. 

"I'm so glad that you won," Trevor stated with a few tears escaping his eyes. 

The judge issued two pieces of paper for the adoption of Daniel and Tyler. "The names of the boys?" She pointed to the lines they needed to fill out. 

Liv and Elliot looked at each other. They hadn't even thought of whose last name they'd be. "Daniel Charles Benson Stabler and Tyler Samuel Benson Stabler," Elliot said as he looked at Liv. She smiled at the thought of the boys having her name also. 

The judge nodded with a smile. "The main parent in case of a split. I know it's unheard of, but I want a binding Plan C."

Elliot understood. The boys didn't need more fighting over them in case they split. Since they weren't married yet, this was the next best thing. "Liv, you be it." She looked startled at the thought, but at the same time honored. She nodded and signed her name. 

It would take time for their new birth certificates to get printed and sent to them, but they had the official adoption papers to show the boys. When Elliot got home with the boys, Liv had made a sign that was their new names on them. They were going to teach them tonight. 

Daniel already knew how to spell his first name, but not any other. Tyler was attempting to learn, but he was only three. "Why is my name on that?" Daniel asked as he dropped his backpack and ran to it. He started sounded out the letters of his middle name. Liv was sitting on the couch close to it and told him to bring it over. 

"All of us," Elliot said as Eli went to run to his room. He stopped and went over to the couch, confused as was Tyler. 

"Now, this sign is about something important. It is your and Tyler's names," Liv started to explain as she stated each letter to the boys. Daniel and Tyler started reading the sign after a few tries and looked confused as they read their last name. "Now, you all know Elliot and my last names. Why do you think that they are at the end of your names?"

She waited for them to think. Tyler was the first to get it. "Are you my new mommy?"

Liv chuckled warmly. "Yes, you two are forever a part of us."


It might be a while before I upload again. My charger to my laptop isnt charging. 

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