chapter 129

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The night could have gone so many ways but Damon found himself waking up with a headache. He looked around and saw the woman from last night asleep.

Earlier that night

"so are you here alone?" Damon asked as they were now sat in a quieter area. They had been talking for a little while now.

"Even if I was alone Im obviously going to tell you I'm not" the woman replied making Damon grin.

"Im with some friends, it was a birthday so we're celebrating, we all kind of get separated. Are you with anyone" she continued.

"Yeah I'm with that idiot over there" Damon said pointing to  Callum who was coming over.

"She said no. I don't get it. Who's the new girl?" Callum said once he reached them.

"Not a clue, she won't give me her name" Damon replied.

"Can I guess it" Callum asked the woman.

"No"  she replied.

"Okay fine, well at least tell me I'm hot right" Callum said.

The woman looked over at Damon with a 'is he serious' expression.

"Just agree, it's better to agree and ignore him" Damon told her.

"Yes you are?" She agreed but it came out more like a question.

"Ok how about we both get out of here. I know a place" Callum said.

Damon wanted to die of embarrassment.

"I take it back he's not with me" Damon murdered.

"No wonder you keep getting rejected if that's how you're talking to people " the woman said .

"Fuck she's good can we keep her" Callum said.

"I think I should go find my friends before I end up kidnapped"

Callum and Damon looked at each other. The irony. They weren't above kidnapping people.

"Yeah wouldn't want you to wake up in my bed" Callum said.

"Jesus Callum. That sounded creepy and  pervy. I'm sorry about him. He is not that type of guy. He's just drunk and has no idea what he's saying"  Damon said.

"Yeah that came out wrong. Don't listen to me. I'm Callum what's your name"

"I'll help you find your friends. Stay here and sober up Callum " Damon said knowing it had become awkward for her.

"He honestly isn't a creep. I'm sincerely sorry for his words " Damon was genuinely sorry.

"It's okay. I can tell the difference between those men and your friend. They were creeps, your friend is just bad at flirting "

"I don't even think he was flirting. He was just messing but it's still not acceptable" Damon said knowing Callum had no desire to hook up with the random woman, he was just being a weird friend.

"My name is Anna"  the mystery woman confessed.

"Well it's nice to meet you Anna" Damon grinned.

They didn't make much conversation as they headed into the loud area as they searched for her friends.

They couldn't find them so instead they both got another drink hoping one of her friends would show up.

Unfortunately none of her friends showed up and Damon decided to be the responsible one and stop their drinking after the second round of shots.

"Right I don't feel comfortable leaving you here like this, so I'll get Callum and we'll all get a taxi. Just give the taxi driver your address and we'll take you home" Damon said.

"I don't know it" she mumbled, she was far to drunk to remember.

"Neither do I" Damon said slurring his words.

Both of them laughed.

"Fuck guys. You were suppose to return her to her friends. I'm going to go home with this woman will you guys be ok or should I tell her no" Callum had sobered up and he had started hitting on one woman who took a liking to him. They couldn't go back to his place so instead she invited him to hers.

"We'll be fine we're going home" Damon announced.

"Do you even know your address " Callum asked.

"Obviously I do"

"And Clara? What about her?" Callum asked concerned his friend would skip back to his old ways.

"No Clara talk tonight " Damon slurred. He had told Callum and then they both agreed not to talk about her.

"Damon I really think you shouldn't leave together " Callum advised.

"Go be with your lady friend" Clara was even more drunk.

Damon laughed.

"See she's funny"

Callum wanted to stay but he knew he couldn't do anything in this situation so all he could do was call them a cab.
He tried to call them separate ones but Damon insisted she was too drunk to travel alone. Which was true, she didn't know her own address.

After they both left, they say in the cab, Anna's head on Damon's.

They weren't going to Damon's though.

Damon couldn't remember his address so he gave the one he could remember. His dad's home.

Together they quietly stumbled in the house.

"Are you sure this is ok" anna asked when they entered his room.

"Well we can't sleep on the streets" Damon declared.

"Suppose so" Anna said and practically collapsed onto Damon's bed. They both laughed. This time they were laughing at nothing.

Yes it's short but it's written this way to be a cliffhanger. Next chapter you guys will find out what happened with Anna and Damon.

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