chapter 128

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"Well I want you to formally join the mafia"

"No. I told you I didn't want that type of life anymore " she said and pushed him away.

"Clara, please just hear me out" Damon said knowing he needed to explain his reasoning.

"No. I don't care what reason you have. I told you from the start I wanted out of that type of life. I just want to be normal and you've known that long before we met. Yes I helped you out with stuff a few times but I never wanted to be a member"

"Clara" Damon tried.

"I shouldn't even be with you. I wanted a boyfriend who had a normal job, no criminal ties. And yet here I am, with you, the mafia boss" Clara continued.

Damon didn't know how to feel, it hurt him. He thought they were in a good place. He thought she didn't just see him as a criminal. He really thought that she him as just Damon .

Maybe their history was too big to let go of.  He knew he fucked up and he was still trying to make sure she knew he would never betray her.

"Do you want to break up" Damon asked. He was blunt. There was no point beating around the question.Either they are together or they weren't.

"No of course not. I should want to but I don't"

Damon felt relieved that Clara was still willing to give them a chance.

"I need some time alone" Clara stated. She didn't want to break up but she was upset with him.

He knew how much she didn't want to be a criminal and here he was trying to get her to join one of the biggest criminal organisation in the world, in which he ran.

"Please just hear me out and then I'll give you some space" Damon said.

"No. You know exactly how I feel about being known as a criminal. I looked past the fact you run the mafia when we got together but I'm not having you drag me back into that world. Just leave me alone"

"You're a hypocrite Clara, you say you don't want to be a criminal but all this time you have been acting as one.  You could have gone back to a normal life but you volunteered to help me. I understand you don't want this and I'm not going to force you to be a part of it but don't you dare tell me I'm dragging you back into that world. You never left it. I may have used you when we first met but after that you were free to go. Everything you did after I let you go was your choice. You never had to do any of it but you chose to" Damon wasn't happy and his harsh tone was enough to show it .

"I was kidnapped and drugged by your friend who is a part of the mafia by the way. And you expect me not to get involved"

"When I took down Stephanie, you and Callum showed up. I went alone to keep you from it. You didn't have to help , you could have said no to Callum. And even after all that, you still followed me when I decided to leave" Damon stated.

He knew the conversation they had shortly after he killed Stephanie was a turning point for them.
He appreciated her help but she never had to do any of it. She never had to do the extra research when he tested her but she did. He was grateful as she found a traitor but he never asked her to do it. She just did.

"Even now I ask you if you want to come with me to the mafia and alot of the times you agree." Damon pointed out .

"I wanted you to join for your protection.  I can't always be around, if you were a member of the mafia, you could rely on any of them if you got into a difficult situation. I wasn't going to make you go kill anyone. I'm going out, I'll give you that space you need" Damon said. He was done with the conversation.

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