chapter 3

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So wattpad is playing up for me, please let me know if you cannot see previous chapters and if they are in order.

Dante and Matteo were in their rooms, both having hangovers but wanting to be around Emilia however when she went to her room wanting to be alone, their dad sent them to their rooms wanting them to rest.

Mason wanted to be with his sister like they all did but respecting her wanting to be alone, he left and went to his tattoo shop, he didn't have any bookings today but their was always plenty of work to be done.

He never considered himself like his older brother or father but he knew he was just like them deep down.

Alesandro was in the living room completing some work for the new restaurant. He had fired a few people and hired new ones, something he did with all his staff, he wouldn't accept anything but the best. And he was reluctant that he had to accept Sienna as one of his best chefs.

His work was interrupted though when he saw Emilia enter, he knew straight away she had been crying and he hated knowing. His work didn't matter anymore.

"Are you okay to come sit with me" he asked, he didn't know if she felt safe or even trusted him or the family.

He did have a plan though.

The family were all raised with knowledge of the Mafia, everyone except Zach as he had been adopted. Yes he had been adopted young but because Adrian had raised his sons in Spain, they kept the Mafia side hidden for several years.
If needed he would call Adrian to bring the boys round, Xavier who had recently turned 23, because they moved closer to them, he was now helping out with the Mafia. And Zach who could probably help Emilia the most if needed.

Emilia chose to sit next to her dad. "Last night... I'm sorry for running away, I didn't mean to worry you" she didn't know how to start tge conversation.

"Yes, I was worried but it wasn't your fault. You were scared and if I just found out, I'd run away too" he said hoping she didn't think she was in trouble.

"I don't know what to think anymore. I'm scared dad. I know you won't hurt me but in the back of my mind I still have the what ifs" she confessed.

"Will you tell me some. Last night when I reached you,  they looked to be consuming you. Let me reassure you those what ifs aren't real"

"Now that I know the truth I'm scared things will change"

"Well I suppose that depends on what you want Emilia" he answered.

"Why me?"

"If you want to forget it then we will not bring anything mafia related around you, if you want the truth, we will tell you the best we can" he said.

"I want the truth. I don't want to be paranoid every time one of you goes out thinking that you're killing someone " she whispered.

"I understand. We will try tell you as much as we can,  but Emilia you can't tell anyone about this" he said.

"I won't"

"Good. I know there's something else that's bothering you Emilia"

"Don't get angry or upset" she said knowing he would.

Alesandro was sceptical but nodded.

"I'm scared you will change. Now that I know, you will become like him. If I do something wrong you will go all mafia like on me, the same with Damon"

Alesandro was upset but he didn't let it show.  He knew exactly who she meant. Henry.

It pained him to know that his daughter thought he would become like Henry now that she knew.

"Sweetheart I will never hurt you. I could never do such a thing. You have seen me at my worst, when Damon was in a coma, I know I was a awful father to you then and I regret everything I did so much. I am so sorry for everything I have ever done but Emilia you are my daughter and I would never become like that monster, I promise" 

At those words, Emilia hugged her father. She needed him the most right now. 
She felt the safest around her father. She needed to feel safe right now.

"I know you're busy with work but do you think I could just stay with you for a while, I won't disturb you or anything. I just don't want to be alone right now" she asked hoping he would agree.

"Emilia you're more important than my work. We can go out somewhere if you'd like or we can watch a film right now and have a ton of snacks, or we can go get food, anything you want"

"I don't want to be a bother " she replied.

"You're never a bother Emilia. It's just us today, your stupid brothers are all busy" he said making her smile slightly.

"So you call your sons stupid behind their back, what do you call me?" She asked.

"Oh I'm always telling everyone how awful you are and how you are always bullying everyone " he replied making sure he sounded sarcastic.
Emilia smiled knowing he wasn't serious "I suppose I take it after my dad in the bullying aspect" she said refering to his he called his sons stupid moments ago.

Alesandro smiled knowing things were slowly getting back to normal again "if you must know I've only ever said good things about you" he said telling her the truth. He didn't talk much about her to many people only family because he wanted to protect her.

It was clear to the family that Alesandro didn't play favourites with his children but if he had to, it would be Emilia. And his sons knew that and they were okay with it because they all favoured her.

"So tell me Emilia, what are we doing today" he asked.

A mischievous smile appeared on her face "can we go get food from the new restaurant, it is open today right?"

Alesandro nodded reluctantly "yes it's open"

"Great. Your new head chef is an amazing cook. Come on, let's go" she said already standing.

"I take that as a insult" he said following her out of the room.

"Not as good as you obviously" she added.

"Good. I won't have you replacing me with her" he said with fake annoyance.

"Never, now let's go"

If it wasn't obvious already, Emilia had her father wrapped around her finger. He would do anything to see her happy, he would give her anything she wanted and if that meant taking her to the restaurant where he'd have to see Siena then so be it.

She didn't know it but she had the most power in the family.

Her dad would do anything for her, he could never be completely angry with her.
His sons couldn't get away with anything and they certainly got a stern scolding for saying anything bad.

Having the most influencal man on your side was a good thing. One of the best things actually. She could get away with stuff that even Damon couldn't.

I'm really starting to get these chapters out quick. I've just wrote this now so the past two chapters weren't pre written. I have 2 chapters half written surrounding Damon and the mafia but for a few chapters its going to be Emilia dealing with the Mafia.

I haven't forgotten about the cliffhanger I left everyone on in the lost triplets but it's a very sad chapter to come so I'm debating trying to change it first before I publish.

Also reunited, I'm still debating whether to write Ares rea ting to it badly or accepting it. I haven't actually been reading for a while but I feel like most books it's all finding lost family and everything is all happy and they accept her so a twist on it could be good but I don't know if I'm ready to turn Ares Evil yet.

Just for reminders in this book

Carlos and Rose

Adrian is the youngest uncle/ youngest brother of Alesandro
Xavier (23) - the oldest cousin
Zach (17)  youngest cousin

Then there's
Leo and Ellie (aunt and uncle)
And their kids who I've forgotten but they aren't important for now.

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