chapter 127

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"come again? You want her to do what?" Alesandro asked knowing what his son said but was hoping it was a sick joke.

"Join the mafia" Damon stated.

"No absolutely not. She doesn't need the mafia in her life" Alesandro said becoming protective over the woman he considered his second daughter.

"She is in our lives . We are the mafia dad" Damon reminded him.

"Yes but that's different. Si is in my life, you don't see me making her join the mafia" Alesandro replied.

"Look I want her away from all the pain and suffering the mafia brings but this is for her protection" Damon said.

"Fine. You want protection for her, move back here. I will not have you involve her in the worst of the worst" Alesandro replied.

"You do realise she has been in a gang and she has helped out the mafia" Damon pointed out.

"But she's not witnessed the true horrors that come with being in the Mafia" Alesandro replied, he knew Clara was briefly kept locked up but he didn't realise she had come to any harm apart from one of the men poisoning her. If he knew what Damon had done, well Damon would probably have been disowned.  The only reason he looked past her being in a cell was because at the time, she was 'part of' the gang they were taking down.

Damon thought back to how he once treated her. It would always haunt him. He knew what his father had meant by the true horrors. Damon was ruthless when it came to mafia stuff. And the mafia itself was very dangerous to be a part of.

"Explain to me why you think having her join is for her protection" Alesandro sighed knowing Damon would probably have a plan.

Alesandro was still against it though.

"She's helped out before but the mafia have seen her as 'help'. If they acknowledged her as a member, she would be more protected. I'll always protect her but what if I'm not around. You know what happened to Callum. What if it wasn't Callum with her that day and a member from the mafia. They wouldn't have hesitated to give her up but if she joined, they would protect her.
If she's out late at night with her friends , it's more than likely a member of the mafia will be nearby if she needs help. It will also prevent anyone else thinking they can get away with kidnapping her. I'll obviously make some changes to the members, anyone who is a threat will be removed first" Damon explained.

"She has a bodyguard though. She doesn't want to be part of the mafia, you need to respect that" Alesandro said, he did understand where his son was coming from but he couldn't get behind it.

"Zeke . I don't think he was the best choice " Damon said thoughtfully.

"Jealous son?" Alesandro taunted.

"Hardly. Zeke doesn't exactly like Clara though. Not to the point he would hurt her but he says she's annoying. Apparently she made him get to know each other. He didn't like that" Damon said smiling slightly at the memory of a worn out Zeke pleading for another assignment.

Damon eventually offered him a different one and Zeke told him he would 'try put up with her'.

"Damon just consider her feelings. You know if she joins she will have to do jobs. She can't not contribute, that's the way it is" Alesandro urged.

Damon nodded. He knew that. He would give her easy jobs though.
It was a rule. Everyone in the Mafia has to work, whether it was the odd job or regular.

Mason for example only did occasional jobs but he was still second in command. He only did high profile stuff really.

Damon even did jobs personally sometimes rather than assign them to others. The mafia always had something to do, so when there was no specific assignments, Damon's job was a lot of paperwork and sorting out any issues. Common jobs always involved weapons and drugs.

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