chapter 126

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So this book won't touch on Mason's love life but I want to get him into a relationship. Is there any book tropes you guys want to see. I've got a few ideas but I'm not sure what fits with mason's character just yet so I will consider suggestions.

"Goodbye mother, Goodbye father" Clara said before walking out of the room with Sienna.

"Now we've exchanged pleasantries, let's talk" Damon demanded.

Damon and Alesandro Russo were two men no one should ever mess with.

Alesandro Russo was known to be cold, calculating and heartless within the business world and underworld. When it came to protecting his family he would go to any lengths possible.

Damon Russo, he was trained by Alesandro. Everything he knew was from his father however his father had a few morals, Damon didn't. He was a sadistic even in the business world.

Both men were alike yet they both had traits that made them deadly separately.

Damon had a new weakness though and that was Clara. She didn't want her parents killed. He knew that she wouldn't so he planned for them to have a problem with the breaks and ultimately die in a car accident. But now she had specifically said it. He didn't want to do anything to ruin their relationship so he would just have to send them to prison.

He didn't think they deserved to get off so easily though.

First he needed them to confess.

"Let me cut to the chase, I know you had Clara kidnapped" Damon stated.

"We didn't. How could you say such things" her mum exclaimed.

"Clara doesn't know , I'm not telling her because she deserves better. Now she's the only person keeping me from doing something drastic.Imagine if she found out? I don't think she would have the same reaction" Damon said.

"Say what you want , we are innocent " the dad said.

"You're not innocent. I have all the proof I need to go to the police and tell your daughter. Why don't you tell us why and maybe we can make a deal. If you tell me, I won't go to the police. Right now your daughter just thinks your awful parents, you don't want her to know how bad you both truly are do you" Damon said. He was lying of course. He was only being reasonable for Clara's sake.

"There's nothing to tell"  her dad said.

Alesandro decided it was time to jump in. He was watching the scene unfold so far but he was getting impatient.

"You're playing too nice Damon. These sick fuckers deserve pain" Alesandros voice was cold and sent a shiver down their spine.

Damon knew he was being too nice and he hated it but he was only nice because of Clara. He had caused her so much pain already, he did not want to risk hurting her again.

"Do you have something in mind" Damon asked.

"Yes" Alesandro replied then turned to her parents "how about I start breaking your fingers until you give my son the answers he wants"

"You're bluffing. You would never do that" the dad said.

"Besides we'd sue you and take every penny you have" the mum said

Alesandro rolled his eyes and with one quick movement he snapped her dad's finger. "I never acknowledged Clara's want for you to remain alive either" Alesandro warned as he broke another bone in the same finger.

Alesandros cold expression contorted into a wicked grin as he moved onto Clara's mum, again snapping her finger.

He smiled as they screamed in pain.

"You really should have done your research before coming here" Damon said.

"We'll sue"

"Just anwser the fucking questions" Damon said. Their blood would look good on the floor of the cells.

But he had caused Clara to suffer to much. If she didn't want them dead, so be it. They wouldn't die by his hands.

However as they kept quiet about any information, the only sounds they made were screams and sobs. Alesandro really was showing a side that no one, not even Damon liked to see.

"One small cut right here and you will bleed out" Alesandro warned as he pulled out his knife to scare them.

"You won't kill us. You need information" her dad slowly said .

Damon sighed "forgive me Clara" he muttered so quietly that no one else heard. He stood up and grabbed her dad by his shirt collar and dragged him to the closest wall before banging his head into it. Her dad fell to the floor, still alive but half conscious.

He then grabbed his knife and walked over to Clara's mother. A smirk played on his face causing her shrink back.
Alesandro grabbed her shoulders making her unable to move.

"You know you really are a shit mother, it's quite insulting you think I'd leave Clara's because of her appearance. Don't get me wrong, my girl is beautiful but she is so much more than that. If only you saw what an amazing, beautiful, kind , loving, intelligent woman your daughter became" Damon said.

"You'll get bored. My daughter is a criminal, and nothing special " her mum attempted.

Damon nodded "I thought you'd say something like that" he leaned closer and with one quick movement he cut the older woman's hair. It was now uneven and extreme short.

"My hair" the woman screeched.

"Next I will cut your face in two. Then we'll see how important beauty really is to you" Damon said.

"Fine I'll give you the information"

Alesandro scoffed. The way to get information out of this pathetic couple was through their looks. He suspected they were close to giving information up already though.

"Why did you have Clara kidnapped" Alesandro asked.

"It wasn't meant to go down like it did. We wanted to scare her out of the mafia life. We wanted her to come back and lead a normal life with us"

"You're joking" Damon said.

"We're not. We got informed about some of the stuff she'd done. The plan didn't involve torture" her dad said, he had woken up again.

The two of them explained how their plan was simply to scare Clara away from the mafia and it went wrong.

They expressed their hatred for their daughters life.

They shared how they had her kidnapped and who knew.

And with the last bit of information, Damon gave his dad a nod and his dad quickly injected them with a sleeping drug he had gotten whilst they were spilling all the information.

"So" Alesandro questioned knowing this was personal.
"So Clara is going to kill me" Damon said as he looked at her parents.

"I meant what are your plans for them. Clara doesn't have to know"

"My plan was to torture them and cut their breaks but I don't want to hurt Clara by doing it so I'll throw them in prison. I'm pretty sure they won't last long in there" Damon decided.

He too was tired and just wanted everything to dissapear. He had , had enough of all the drama.

"Why would she kill you then" Alesandro asked.

"She's going to have to join the mafia properly rather than help out"

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