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"Tae... Are you ready....? "

"Yah... Jimin hyung... Just one minute... " Taehyung answered from his room where jimin is waiting for him in the living room.

"Ok... I am ready... Let's go.... " Taehyung said with a bright smile. Jimin smiled back. He is wearing a baggy black hoodie with blue jeans but his baby bump is still visible, carrying twins is not a matter of joke, his belly grew bigger than the normal five months belly.

"You are looking adorably cute tae.... Come hold my hand... "

"Yeah... " Jimin hold his hand securely and went to his car.

"Where are you guys going...? "

Jimin flinched at the sudden voices from behind.

"We are going for my checkup sir... " Taehyung informed.

"Oh.... Then if you don't mind can I tag along... I really doesn't have anything to do today and it's getting way too boring... " Yoonji informed with a huff.

Taehyung chuckled but jimin smiled nervously because his very serious boss is now acting cute.

"What?!!.. Cute... You need eyes operation jimin.. " Jimin mentality scold himself.

"Oh... Of course you can come with us... Isn't it jimin hyung....? " Taehyung turned at jimin to get his approval and he nod his head nervously.

"Sir.... You can sit in front seat... I can settle in the back.... " Taehyung informed with a smile.

Jimin wanted to protest but before he could speak anything suga already mounted in the passenger seat, even put on the seatbelt.

Jimin mentally roll his eyes before helping taehyung to sit comfortably.

"Oh... Taehyung don't call me sir... You can call me hyung ok... And you too jimin we are outside at work.. You can call me by my name also.... "

Yoongi said casually.

"Ohh... O-ok...? " Jimin uttered doubtfully as he started the car.

"Ok.. Hyung... " Taehyung said cheerfully.

After driving for twenty minutes the finally reached the hospital.

"Your guys go I am waiting for you here... " Yoongi informed as he take his seat in the hospital waiting lounge.

Taehyung and jimin both went inside as it was their turn.

"So taehyung.... Babies are completely fine.. There is nothing to worry... " Dr. Jin informed after checking up taehyung.

"Thank you doctor.. " Both of them thanked jin then came out of the chamber.

"Tae... Did you think about the names of the babies... "

"Umm.... I didn't... But there is many names in my mind... 'Taehyung said thinking deeply.

" Ok.. Ok... I will help you with names... "

They both shared a smile before walking towards the place where yoongi was sitting.

But taehyung halted in his way to yoongi. An overwhelming feeling of relief as well as sadness rush over him because there he saw jungkook, standing there silently there is also someone holding his hand, it's amy talking with yoongi.

Though taehyung saw their back but it is enough for him to identify the person, the person who unintentionally get involved with his everything.

After walking few steps when jimin saw taehyung isn't walking with him so he looked back and call him.

"Tae.... Why aren't you coming.... "

And jungkook heard it, he turned his head in a fraction of second, a pair of desperate eyes is looking everywhere to find the owner of the name.... And finally his search came to an hault when he saw him who is also looking at his way.

But before he could take a step further Amy pulled him with her and jungkook followed her silently.

Taehyung looked up to stop his tears, he doesn't wanna cry, doesn't wanna worry anybody.

"Tae.... Are you ok... " Jimin asked him softly.

"Yeah... I am.... Sorry for keep you waiting for me.... Now let's go... " Taehyung informed him and walked ahead followed by a confused jimin.

"Ok..... Today I am treating you both... So follow me.... " Yoongi announced as he walked ahead without hearing their answers.

"Uh... This man!... "Jimin groaned.

"He is a sweet person..... Hyung... " Taehyung pouted.

"Yeah.. Yeah... Sweet like dark chocolate.... " Jimin rolled his eyes.

Taehyung shook his head in disbelief.

"Ok... Now common.. He is waiting for us... "

This time yoongi is the one who is driving the car and jimin is internally sulking.

They went to a good resturent and ordered their individual food.

"Oh... Taehyung... I forgot to tell you... Umm.. Earlier I met with one of my client she wants to come in our shop tomorrow with her fiance... She wants to buy a wedding dress of your design that I have sent her earlier.... " Yoongi informed while biting on his burger.

"Oh.. Really...? " Taehyung asked excitedly.

"Umm... Earlier I met her in the hospital.. She is a family business man's daughter... "

Taehyung's every movement stopped.. "W-what is her name... "

"Lee Amy.... She is going to marry in jeon family... "

"They are going to marry? Is the wedding already fixed... " Taehyung thought in his mind, he felt a slight burning feeling in his heart.

"Hey taehyung.... Your food is getting cold.. And why are you looking so down suddenly. " Jimin asked.

"I am fine hyung..... " Taehyung answered but couldn't further because he realized that his voice is breaking. His eyes are getting numb, he can't even control them this time.

"Hey tae... Tae..... Why are you crying... " Jimin immediately pulled him into a hug.

Yoongi was also shocked. This time taehyung let out his emotions through tears and jimin remain hugging him, comforting his with sweet nothings.

"Sorry for being over dramatic.. " Taehyung chuckled between his cries, he too wanted to stop himself from crying.

"Oh... Silly boy... It's ok..... Are you fine.. Now..? " Jimin asked softly in which jungkook nodded.

Yoongi bought ice-creams for complementary crying treat or that what he says.

Jimin laughed out loud so as taehyung. Yoongi just rolled his eyes and ate his ice-cream in peace.

Even though he is laughing, feeling lucky to get such precious persons in his life his heart still pangs.

He have seen the elder's eyes when their eyes locked for a brief moment there is something unusual that he can't decipher... Maybe it's hatred for him.


Something is going to happen in the next chapter.. Wait for it. 😌😌

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