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After three weeks...

Taehyung and Jungkook became best friends. They spent their days laughing, walking, and having heart-to-heart talks. Taehyung took care of Jungkook without being asked, always there for him. Their friendship was deep and strong, based on trust and support. With Taehyung as his friend, Jungkook felt safe, knowing he had someone who'd be there for him through anything.

But... For taehyung.... 'Is it just friendship..? '

Well, he really doesn't want to find the answer maybe deep down he knows the answer but he doesn't want to get hurt by keeping the false expectations specially when there is someone whom he wants to protect with his all heart.

Taehyung is in his fourth month now. His baby bumb also grew a little bigger but it  can still stay perfectly hidden under taehyung's baggy clothes.

Right now taehyung is making coffee for everyone as the whole family gathered in the living room for an important family discussion proposed by Mr Jeon himself.

At the living room...

"The engagement date is already selected by them and we should prepare for it from now on.. "Mr Jeon announced while taking sip of his coffee.

Jungkook shifted from his position after hearing the news. weight seemed to settle upon his heart as he processed the news.

" Did the came back to Korea already weren't they in a business trip... "Namjoon asked in confusion.

" Um.... They came back yesterday and called me right away to announce the news... "

"Oh.... I see.. "

"And they choose maldives for engagement venue... "

"What!... Maldives!?.... Just for an engagement.. ?" Maya uttered in total surprise.

"Yes... Do you have any problem with it.. ?" said Mr. Jeon glaring at her.

Maya, caught off guard, quickly reassured him of her lack of issue with the choice, her words dripping with sweetness.

"Ah... No... No..... I was just a little surprised.. Nothing else... Ha ha".

" Hmm.... So.... We are leaving within two days do your shopping and pack your bags in this two days.... We can't delay even for a day....... "He announced and left the place to attend his important phone call.

Everyone eventually left for shopping and arrangements. Jungkook had to go with them for his measurements to buy engagement suit.

Maya, kai, mrs Jeon, Jungkook and taehyung went altogether. Yes taehyung also went with them as he was required to carry the bags.

As they traveled, Jungkook stayed quiet, lost in his thoughts, while Taehyung was also quiet, matching Jungkook's mood. Maya couldn't help but sneak looks at Jungkook, especially at his slightly open shirt that revealed a bit of his chest.

Taehyung's hand secretly travelled to his baby bump caressing it softly, more like he is comforting himself.

Arriving at the mall they went to the designer section and did there shopping. Jungkook's outfit was also chosen by them.

"Hyung..... It's looking good on you... " Taehyung complemented jungkook once he wore the outfit for the further fitting.

"Th-thanks..... " Jungkook meekly answered and somehow he can't be able to look up at taehyung's eyes... He doesn't have the courage to do so.

At the end of the day jungkook was the one who carried most of the bags as he didn't let taehyung to carry more than four bags.

The rest of people didn't complain as long as they aren't carrying them.

Maya is the one who bought the most expensive dresses followed by Mrs. Jeon... They just need a reason to spend money like water.

Taehyung helped jungkook to pack his bags. Jungkook was restless throughout the time as he wanted to say something to taehyung but he wasn't able to gather courage to do so. There was a silent tension between them.

Feeling the elder's uneasiness taehyung initiated to ask gently.. "Do you want to ask me anything hyung..? "Taehyung said after zipping up the last bag.

Jungkook's nerves were evident as he stuttered out a response, beads of sweat forming on his brow.

" Hyung.... Relax..... Let's sit and talk... Hmm?.. "

Jungkook nodded and sat on the bed beside taehyung.

"Hmm... Yes hyung.. " Taehyung asked with a smile.

"Are you happy taehyung?.... I mean about this engagement...? "With a deep breath,  Jungkook finally asked while his heart pounding violently in his chest. Maybe in nervousness fear or something else he doesn't know.

There is a silence for a few moments before taehyung started to speak.

"Of course hyung..... I am very happy for you... Why can't I be happy.... It's my best friend's wedding........ I will be the most happy one among the crowd... " Taehyung smiled but somehow the smile couldn't reach his eyes.

Jungkook took a breathe of relief thinking that atleast taehyung isn't upset. His own happiness doesn't matter as long as the persons around him are happy.

"It's all packed... We are leaving the day after tomorrow.... Take some rest hyung... I never knew shopping can be this much tiring and all thanks to those ladies... Ahh..!! " Taehyung gave off a dramatic sigh making jungkook smile.

"Okey hyung...... Good night... "

"Good night's taehyung... "

Taehyung smiled back and left. He went to his room and looked up at his own clothes, he needs to pack his own clothes also because he is also going with the full family and the reason is... "Mr Jeon doesn't like to drink the coffee from outside... He prefers taehyung's handmade coffee.... "

'Ha!... Seriously? '

With a deep sigh taehyung plopped  on his bed as he decided that he will pack those clothes tomorrow.. It's not that many anyways.

'Hm... What should we do, baby..." His voice cracked, the weight of his emotions threatening to crush him. He felt the familiar sting of tears  at the corners of his eyes, the heaviness in his chest becoming unbearable.

A single tear rolled down his cheek, a silent sign of his sadness. He didn't bother to wipe it away, letting it stay as a reminder of his pain.

"I don't know why," he whispered hoarsely, his voice barely audible in the dimly lit room. "But it hurts... It hurts so much..." Each word carried the weight of sorrow.

With a defeated sigh, Taehyung buried his face in the softness of his pillow, finding comfort in its softness.
He was so tired that he fell asleep almost immediately, like a wave pulling him under.

And so, he drifted off into a troubled sleep, the echoes of his anguish lingering in the empty of the night, a silent symphony of pain and longing.

And the day of departure arrived very quickly. After boarding on the plane they settled in their seat and the plane took off.

Though it is the very first time for taehyung to ride on a plane but he isn't excited at all.

As they arrived at their mentioned resort they are welcomed by Amy .. And why not this is their own property and the hotel has been entirely reserved for their guest.


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