Chapter 25 - Luke and Ines

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A/N: WARNING spoilers for the series Obi Wan Kenobi.

"Did your father know who my uncle was?" Luke asked Ines.

Ines looked at him while she put the pieces of fruit in Alli and Padmé's plate.

"Well, at the time I didn't think about it. But now that I think of it, I believe he knew who your uncle was. After all Bail did said if we were lost, he would head here to help your uncle with you, right?" she asked looked at Obi Wan.

"They knew him of course. Not in person, but of course they knew where Luke was. Your uncle didn't know Bail or Ken."

"Well until I couldn't stop talking about Ines," Luke said laughing, who made baby Luke laughed imitating his father. "Are you imitating me, mister?" he asked him with a smile on his face.

"Babubmijbokjj" the baby replied.

"Here take your chewing toy. Enjoy drooling all over it," he said kissing his little son forehead.

"What happened next?" Anakin asked.

"Well my father started to pull me right away, and I never saw him so upset at me," she replied to her father in law.

"So you didn't know it was dad?" Ben asked her.

"No, I didn't realize that."

"Me neither. Even if my Uncle also said we needed to leave. Even my aunt didn't understood what was going on. Unless he told her after that," Luke said making sure his son didn't drop the toy he had on his little hands, and was happy chewing on it. The day before they notice a tooth coming out on his lower gums.

"What happened next?" Anakin asked them.

"We left Anchorhead and head to Alderaan, where I was grounded for sure," she said looking at her twins who giggled at that information, making her rolling her eyes.

"But Luke what happened between you and Reva? Your uncle never told me and when I got here, you were gone already, until Reva brought you back?" Obi Wan asked him.

Luke sighed. He knew everyone was eager to know what happened that day and night.

"Well I don't know much. My Uncle and Aunt lied to me, remember?" He said to looking at his old mentor.

"But how they knew Reva was after you?" Ines asked this time.

"I guess that what Dardin told him when he was in the mechanic shop," he replied.

"What do you mean?" Anakin asked his son.

"I went that day with my Uncle to the mechanic because we need a new belt for the speeder," he said, remembering that day.



Anchorhead, Tatooine 9BBY

Owen Lars was walking down the roads of Anchorhead with his nephew Luke. They were heading to the local mechanic.

The moment they entered, Luke walked near the counter and smiled to the mechanic.

"Howdy," the owner said looking at the 10 years old boy, "What do you need, kid?"

"We need a new belt for the speeder," Luke said to him.

"A certain somebody broke the last one," Owen said looking at his nephew who giggled to the owner, who laughed at that information.

"Your uncle's a patient man," he said making Luke smiled at that.

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