Chapter 24 - The first meeting

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The family was all gathered around the table at dinner time. Anakin and Ben force ghosts were there too, just like they promised to the kids.

Padmé looked at them.

"I'm sorry you can't eat. Aren't you hungry?" the little girl asked, putting a chip inside her mouth, which made Anakin and Ben laughed at her.

"Well when you become a force ghost, you don't feel hungry anymore," Anakin explained to his granddaughter.

"I don't want that. I like to eat," Alli said with her mouth full, getting a look from her mother.

"Alli, what mama and papa said to you? Never talk with your mouth full," she said to her.

Swallowing the food, she little girl smiled at her.

"Sorry, mama," she said giggling. "But I like food."

"You like your favorite food, that's different, young lady," Luke winked at her, making Alli giggling even more. "Your twin, on the other hand, eats almost everything."

"Just like her cousin Bail," Anakin said. "Boy, I never saw a 4 years old kid eat that much," he laughed thinking of his grandson.

"He is 4, he won't stay still, running every single time, so of course he is hungry after spending so much energy." Obi Wan said.

"It reminds me of someone," Ben said looking at his sisters.

"I have to say I miss those two," Luke replied. "Maybe we can call Leia and Han and bring the kids here. They never were in my farm before?" he asked to Ines.

"No. I was the only one here s far, even in Anchorhead I believe when I came with my father. But we don't have space for them to sleep."

"They can sleep in the Falcon," Luke said right away. "I will call them tomorrow. Besides I think Han needs to have a talk with Boba."

Ines looked at her husband and frown.

"I don't know if it will be a pretty conversation."

"Din said Boba is a different man. After all he helped him with Grogu. I think it is time to put the past behind their back and talk like two adults. Besides I will be there with Din."

"You are right, son." Anakin said. "People change."

Everyone looked at him.

"Yeah, grandpa was bad, but now is a good boy," Alli said making Anakin shake his head but couldn't help but laughing at his granddaughter.

"But, speaking of being here, what is that story of you bumping into my uncle!" Luke said, picking his baby son from his meal chair, since the baby was already started to get upset to be sit down in one place.

Looking at him, Luke grabbed a chip and gave to his baby, who smile happy, as he grabbed it with his little right hand and put his mouth, drooling all over it and his hand, as he focus on it, and started to smash it with his both hands.

"You are so cute," Luke said to his son, kissing his forehead, getting a smile from his baby.

"Dada!" he said.

"Yes, I am your dada," he said, as Anakin watched the moment between his son and his youngest grandson.

Ines glare at her father in law and smiled. She knew what he was thinking.

"It was not your fault, dad," she said, making Anakin look at her.

"Thank you, but I couldn't help to wonder what if I had done the right thing, when Master Windu asked me too?"

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