One of the good guys?

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Toronto, Canada

The major gasps for air. Seeing Jeremy and Sarah still attentive to his story, he continues: "Six months ago, almost five years after the cessation of his research, Phoenix infiltrated the storage compound where his archives were located. He committed suicide by activating an incendiary explosive device. He took four guards with him, and all his work vanished into smoke."

The major pauses, before commenting: "Yes, I know... Phoenix have mastered the art of rising from his ashes. Yet we had no reason to be wary. The surveillance footage irrefutably showed him entering the premises. The charred body's dental prints matched with the implants he had received twenty years ago during his disappearance's charade. The agency therefore concluded that Phoenix decided to exert revenge and destroy his research. His attempt had indeed succeeded, but he had died while executing his plan... As far as the CIA and 'Emerald Pyramid' are concerned, this version of the facts remains accurate."

Jeremy speaks up. "That's where you and your employer come into play, I imagine?"

The major suppresses a small smile. "Mr. Baltac, I told you, I'm one of the good guys. Don't assume that all this staging was yet again to recruit Phoenix for other purposes. We are quite certain that he orchestrated this scheme on his own..."

"Oh! Far from me to think you're not one of the 'good guys,'" Jeremy retorts.

"I thought you had used up your speaking time, Mr. Baltac, and that I could give you all the information I possess," the major interrupts.

Jeremy smiles in return. "All the information?" he questions, sarcastically.

"The ones relevant to why we are gathered here today," Kinkaid snaps back with a hint of impatience.

"Exactly," adds Jeremy. "You'll be much more credible if you explain where these famous pieces of information come from. Especially since from the story you've just recounted us, something tells me you were quick to omit the five years spent by Phoenix working on Echelon."

The major nods.

"Echelon wasn't built in a day, Mr. Baltac, certain nations and other significant groups didn't take the emergence of such a surveillance tool very kindly. Some irregularities in obtaining huge international markets and the daily infringement on individuals' freedom... I believe you yourself would appreciate it if an entity kept a vigilant eye on all this, right? ... Let's just say my employer is the answer to the perennial question, 'who watches the watchers?'"

Jeremy displays a genuine smile and with a nod and a significative gesture, invites Kinkaid to continue, satisfied with the explanation.

"So, to the rest of the world, Phoenix is dead," the major resumes. "But on our side, we had noticed some irregularities in Echelon's usage in late years. Nothing to do with the somewhat legal, economic or political pushes we see from time to time. But some analyses pointed towards insider trading, small enough not to attract attention without a thorough comparison.

These suspicions led us to conduct discreetly more in-depth tests on the corpse. Our pathologist soon discovered that the materials used for the dental implants were far too recent to be those of Phoenix."

"Phoenix literally rises once again from his ashes," notes Jeremy.

"Yes, and this time by playing the CIA itself. A terrible mistake on their part to have included Phoenix in the Echelon program. We now have proof that he was abusing his access for personal ends. Stock market manipulations and other trickery allowed him to enrich himself, always within a reasonable limit, not to attract attention. Given recent events, we think he used this money to continue his research in secret. Research that he was able to significantly advance by stealing the results of renowned scientists through their digital exchanges.

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