the gift of prophecy

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Lampert held the photo of him and  kasper matching shirts like it was a delicate artifact. And because it was to lampert. A moment in the past where he was at least close to his friend. even if it isn't truly him now. he is forever gone.

he set the photo down as the door's lock clicked and opened with with a nervous looking Dr.Retro looking back at lampert's visitor

"(you sure you wanna visit him sugar? I mean...with everything he's done..)"

"n4h !tz f1N3 rLly-"

lampert almost immediately snapped his head back when he heard the voice of infected echo a little, and watched as the half-sickly fellow entered, looking better than when he last saw him. a true transformation really.

"..Infected?" he muttered out as infected saw Dr.Retro slowly close the door and turned around to face his object friend.


"hey-" lampert waved his hand a little, resisting the urge to throw himself at infected and give a big hug, despite his germophobic tendencies.

"s0..h0W h4V3 U b33N d0InG?"

"I'm... fine... you look better though."

"0h y34H t0T4lLy.." infected crossed his arms and glared slightly at him, making lampert get the hint.

"look infected I....I feel bad- for what I did.." lampert muttered, scratching the back of his lampshade, sounding genuine for the time since forever really "I just thought I could...get the old you back..."

"s0, Ur ap0L0g1ZiNg?"

"yes...I'm sorry-"

"4Lr th3N, I d0N't f0Rg1v3 U."

"..But infected- I said sorry-"

"y34H. & I d0 N0t f0Rg1v3 U."

"but- Infected this could be the last time I-I ever see you plea-"

"N0. I'm n0T g1V1ng U d4T cL0sUr3. U d0N't d3S3rvE d4T. Ur g0Nn4 l1v3 D4 r3zT 0f uR l1f3 w1Th tH3 PSYCH0T1C s##T d4t U d1D." he squinted his eyes.

"But you don't understand I just wanted to make you better- I just wanted to-"

"w4Nt3d 2 cH4ng3 m3H f0r uR 0wN g41N? l1st3N h3R3 l4Mp3rT; Th4T gUy Ur trY1nG 2 s33 1N 3v3Ry0n3 D0Esn'T 3xsIst 4Nym0R3. H3s G0N3! & tH3r3z n0th1Ng U c4n D0 aBt !t."

"..." lampert was just processing the information that was thrown at him. the rather true statement that kasper, or at least the one he knew, will never come back, and even if he did; he would never forgive, just like infected.

infected sighed and turned around "I jUsT w4nT3d 2 S33 h0W u w3R3 d0!nG k? bUt I gu3Ss Ur d4 s4M3 4S 3v3R.." he mentioned as he walked away.

"w-WAIT!" lampert jumped at infected, basically knocking him over as infected wrestled the desperate lampert to get off of him "G3T 0FF 0F M3H!!!" he practically screamed as he gave one good shove sending lampert to the floor. he looked up at disbelief as infected got up and dusted himself. "infected p-please-"

"N0! G0DD4MN !T L@MP3RT!  WHY C4N'T U JUZT ADM1T !T?? WHY C4N'T U JUZT ADM1T UR A T3RR1BL3 P3R$0N??" he huffed out "U KN0W U C4N SL33P A L0T B3TT3R IF U D0!"

" I don't need sleep-"

"I D0NT C4R3!!! I-" he sighed "U kn0W w4t? F0RG3T ABT !T!" he turned away again, this time, lampert didn't dare to stop him. "I w1Sh u D4 b3sT." and with that, infected had walked away. leaving lampert all alone with truly no one.

lampert stood up a little, catching a peep of a concerned Dr.Retro as she locked the door again and heard her muffled questions towards his only friend...well...what was remaining of their friendship anyways, lampert had a feeling that it was permenantly severed to just strangers who know each other too much.


lampert was in another sleepless dream, he'd had nothing better to do so he just decided to take a nap, not like he wanted to wake up after that argument anyways. so when the red and yellow eyes appeared within his dreams vision, it surprised him, or probably not, he moistly felt numb, unable to comprehend the loss of his only thing left to look forward to.

another lonely night huh?

he saw the scene change to that of a late night beach at the shore, the air thick with the saltiness of the blackened sea reflecting the dead stars in the deep navy sky. the sand against his metallic feet shuffling and feel rather nice, as he bent over to trace over a few shapes, feeling its grainy realness.

remember this?

he looked up to see kasper wave at him, calling at him before it slowly faded like a slipping memory.

It's gone now.

lampert didn't bother to respond, just slumped, which seemed like a rather enough response for the invisible eye.

But you know...I could help.

Lampert perked a bit, but didn't show it, yet the eye knew all his intentions already, knew he'd listen, besides, who would he listen to? his acquaintances whom he already decided were simply too idiotic to converse with, let alone rot in all their quarrels. Or the stranger who knew all his secrets? or anyone else who basically saw him as a monster. A freak, like he truly is.

remember this my little lampert; eye of the beholder. follow the tunnel to the eye and it'll lay all your burdens to rest as you'll be put to the test.

lampert looked up, sensing the eye, asking.

"but where?"

Where certain demonic being resides. you shall see.

"demonic? but we don't-"

and just like that, the lamp had awoken to the sound of the muffled birds and the clear light hitting his dull lampshade, he blinked for a moment before slowly looking around, seeing the same dull room as always, never changing, as he brushed the dust off of his metallic casing.

then he looked out the window. Seeing the loose screw.

He had an idea..

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