I can't fix you (part 3)

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The elevator doors open as mark took a moment to look around the magmatic place that the metal contraption had delicately sent them too, hoping out with Mach behind him as he took the moment to realize it was a little too...empty.

"Wait...isn't the' pink cube 'sapposed to be here?"

"Correct. But seems like even the evilest need their beauty sleep." Mach shrugged, swinging the banhammer over to her shoulder, crouching down to exit the legatos without hitting her head over the top edge and cause a dent.

"So lemme get this straight. ya saw the' gradient go bonkers with a corpse?? What in tarnation??"

"I wouldn't say 'bonkers' more like 'in a state of a mental breakdown and did something irrational out of scrambled thinking'"

"...which was ta' kiss a goddamn' corpse?"

"Perhaps. But he's clearly mentally ill, you can't expect people out o keep their composure for so long especially with the living circumstances the others have created for the unpleasant gradient"

"Eh...guess yer right. Eugh. HEYYYY!! UNPLEASANT!! YA HERE?"

"SHH don't alert that pink thing! We'll look quietly. Even if it means infiltrating this home."


"Jeremy is an evil and morally corrupt entity, in hindsight, he sort of deserves this."

Mark shrugged, having no words to argue back at that, shivering at the memory of Jeremy taunting him as he was forced to wear a pink dress and stupid hat, Wallter having to save him made things a tad bit worse. Or perhaps better as he could finally get to be in his arms again after so long..

Mark shook the thought as they both made their way through the rather slippery obby, with Mach being too lazy to use her powers to on the other side and deciding to do some exercise after a bit and mark slowly catching up the hulking goddess.


Jeremy woke up, fluttering his eyes open before slightly and sitting up, feeling that something was missing, as he recollected his thoughts he looked next to him to see that unpleasant was missing.

Which was a little weird, he could (almost) clearly remember every thing from yesterday, even unpleasant grumpily sleeping next to him, so where do he go now? Jeremy scratched his head as he hopped off of the tilted bed, looking around before instantly recognizing the silhouette and its shadow standing eerily still in the cave-like hallway.

The silhouette being one that belonged to Unpleasant.

"Yo. Unpleasant?"

No response, at this point Jeremy was confused and immediately got up to him, poking him slightly "hey, you ok???"

But all unpleasant could do was slowly turn around and stare into Jeremy, his eyes were full of an eerie kind of disturbance, like he was reminded of something from his past that he should've been locked up forever.

"..unpleasant?" Jeremy repeated again, gulping in unease as unpleasant just fully turned around and stared rather intensely at Jeremy, before taking a slurred step forward .

Jeremy freaked out then as unpleasant suddenly ran after jeremy and jumped on him, letting out an almost guttural and animalistic cry of insanity before pinning down jeremy, his hands scrapping down at the ground even when it was bleeding from scratching his own and shoulders too much,  h leaned his head over at Jeremy, who was terrified, seeing this man just completely lose it randomly, and he couldn't help but stare into his eye and his other revealed dead eye, completely how powerful he was compared to the the crippled gradient.


Mach looked around as the two reached the end of the obby, with mark having to catch his breath for a moment, his old age getting the best of him while Mach looked completely unscathed, rather a little amused from finally putting her body to use, but she soon got just a little bit frustrated from the lack of clues leading to unpleasant's presence.

"Now...Where's that gradient..."

"Dunno..hahhh...you'd think the pink cube got a separate place from here?"

"Like where?"

"Area 51?"

"Negative, I've already searched top to bottom there." Mach sighed and kept looking around as mark finally straightened himself and joined Mach by her side.

Now the two were almost close to giving up after what seemed like 3 hours of searching until they heard some noises from somewhere, with Mach picking up it up almost instantly, pulling back a curtain to spot a rather peculiar hatch leading to some where underground and cave-like...


As Jeremy sweat slightly thinking his face was going to be the next snack for unpleasant, until he heard unpleasant start to slightly sob, his tear trickling from his face and onto Jeremy's own face as he slowly moved his hands form the ground to cover his own sobbing face.

"S..sorry I don't know what got over me.."

"Eh...don't sweat it I've been through worse.." jeremy gulped, before feeling unpleasant lean his head onto his chest and continue to sob before Jeremy pulled him in, blushing slightly as he was never the best at comforting people, heck, he NEVER comforts people, so this was pretty awkward, until he got an idea.

He waited until unpleasant was calm enough to which he tilted his head to face his own, and leaned in to kiss him.

At first unpleasnat was jarringly surprised and pulled back for a moment, and as Jeremy was about to get frantic realizing the stupid shit he pulled, unpleasant grabbed his collar and pulled Jeremy in for a proper kiss this time, turning red like Jeremy as he accepted it. The kiss turning more heated by the second.

All before mark stopped once in the room and stared at the sloppy makeout session at the floor, including Mach who felt a sense of repulsion seeing such a surprising and messy sight.

"....AHEM" Mach finally broke the heated moment by coughing, making unpleasant jolt up and break the kiss, looking at Mach with a shocked and embarrassed look, same with Jeremy who got up slightly "sorry to break this passionate moment but..GOTCHA." And before the other three knew it, Mach grabbed unpleasant by the scruff, he let out a yelp and flailed his legs around frantically.

"OK WHATS GOING ON??" the pink cube finally commented as he got up and pointed at Mach

"Save it pinky. We just came here for the gradient, no need to butt in." She scoffed before turning to the slightly terrified unpleasant"Now...where have YOU been?"

"Yeah! We're in tarnation have ya been??" Mark repeated, trying to feel even slightly useful in the situation 

"Can you guys save your questions OUT of my house??"

"Ah right. I'll deal with you later actually, but for now, goodbye." Mach turned around with mark as Jeremy called out to unpleasnat slyly "and I'll call you later pleasy" he giggled and waved off as unpleasant went red again

"..you know the guy?" Mark whispered

"Shut it." Unpleasant uttered silently

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