Nokori bunker

367 12 40

Unpleasant waddled into the ice cream shop, with crem greeting him first.

"Heya Plez."

He waved back

"The usual?"

He sunkingly shook his head yes as crem scooped up some bubblegum and mint chocolate ship, handing it to unpleasant.

"Well you seem rather sorrowful today, don't ya?"

Unpleasant didn't really respond to that, choosing to just lick on his ice cream and ignore the few comments crem gave. Just walking towards the window and staring out, seeing the desolate place with lowly shop resided in.

"You know there's no use going out there right?" Crem said, cleaning their scoop "main central's been a real ghost town ever know..."

Unpleasant looked back at crem.

"Yeah...I think ya know what I mean.."

Unpleasant sighed and looked back out, seeing how down? The place seemed, no wonder no one lived here.

But it wouldn't hurt to take a closer look, right?

He turned around and walked through the main entrance, making sure to shut it behind him as he heard crem's muffled cries "hey! Plez wait!" Crem hurriedly abandoned her station and ran after the exploring gradient as he looked around.

"Plez-" he still looked around, even deeper than this time, crem continued to chase him.

"Plez please, I don't think you should be looking around" unpleasant ignored them, wondering why she seemed so adamant on them not wanting them to explore.

That was until he tripped on what seemed like a hatch. He curiously bent over to take a closer look and swept the rubble away.

'Bunker 벙커'

His eyes widened, he was so..stunned, he dropped his ice cream.


Unpleasant slowly looked at crem. Before immediately opening the bunker and descending inside, making crem grain at his stubbornness "UGHH...PLEZ!" She quickly hurried down as well, adjusting her ice cream cone once they'd reach the bottom as unpleasant looked around the desolate bunker, the shelves with the boxes filled to the brim with food that could've prevented so many deaths outside, the writing and drawings of chalk on the wall with messages from children who'd already passed away. Making unpleasant turn to crem in disbelief and shock. 

"..OK FINE. yes the under-city wasn't the ONLY place that got nuked, but Plez you have to understand they only had so much funds for one city and main central was the most populated so it'd make se-"

They suddenly stopped when they heard a laugh echo through the chamber.

"....what was that-?"

Suddenly another, and another, until there was a chorus of laughter bouncing up and down the walls, stinging their ears. The two decided to investigate the ugly laughter before tracing the source to in in a small, yet open room with nothing but an old broken tv and some books. And only one book was missing, missing within the hands of a peculiar yet mischievous red being. Williamplayz57.

"OHOHO...BOY IS THIS BOOK SOMTHIN'....a-" he quickly turned around to see both the ice cream man and the gradient stare at him weirdly and confusingly. He set the book aside and tried to strike a pose that just made him seem 'cool' "whyyyyy hello there ma'" he glanced briefly at the gradient who took this to minor offense "what seems to be the problem?"

"What seems to be the problem?? What are YOU doing here???" Crem sternly objected, pointing at him "and you better not give us any bullshiting excuse you coloring freak!"

"Oh owie-ouch! my heart!" He made a motion that signals his 'heart' being broken before chuckling "Aw c'mon now What's wrong with a little explorin' eh? In fact, what about you two? Why'd ya come here if you guys have 0 reason to eh? Came here to re-visit your little room maybe crem?"

"How do you-"

"Oh please do you think they mark the bunker doors for NOTHING? Didn't know your l full name was 'cremsicle' HEHEHE!" he giggled mockingly before crem shoved him out of anger

"Now listen here, you better SHUT your mouth before I make it do." 

"Oh please, you're a walking ICE CREAM CONE. And I'm a GOD." He leaned in, his voice dropping the fake 'happy go lucky mischevious' tone, his smile curved to one of pure frustration and possibly evil(?) "and frankly I could do way worse things to you if it wasn't for this arrow in me" that threatening sentence was enough to get crem to shut her mouth before he put on his facade again "ta-ta losers!" He blew a fake air-kiss, before pulling a sub space trip mine and throwing it in the general direction of the two and phasing out of the walls.

"...SUBSPACE TRIPMINE!!" Crem ran and threw herself and unpleasant against the floor as it exploded, rendering the two unharmed, yet painted pink, crem groaned and threw their cone to the ground in frustration, breaking it slightly "that DAMN William...UGHH HE'S BEEN SUCH A LITTLE SHIT I SWEAR."

Unpleasant stared at them

"NO WE DON'T HAVE HISTORY WITH EACH OTHER! Ok maybe a little- but If you want THAT much history then go ask Jeremy or something!" She scoffed, rendering unpleasant a little shocked, Jeremy? What does he have to do with William out of all things?

"UGHHH I HATE HIM!" crem exclaimed one more time before exhaling out all the frustration and getting up, rubbing her eyes "well guess we better get going back, I better get a new cone too before I melt my ass of in this hotbox of a bunker" she sluggishly walked away before realizing that unpleasant wasn't following her, she turned around and called after him "Plez?"

He just coughed out some of the pink stuff coating him before looking at the long winding hallways of marked rooms, and the flickering lights, sure it didn't seem like the best place to stay, but it could have shielded him from becoming the freak he was now.

That is if there was ever a bunker in his home city to begin with.

Crem got the ideology fairly quickly and sighed "look Plez I know that...well..I mean I wasn't even born at the time of the nuke but I was raised here with I kind of know the know..?"

Crem cringed, got she was so terrible at comforting people, but Plez didn't care, he just got up and sulked slightly, deciding to follow past crem to get back to the surface despite every conflicting feeling he had now, and all crem could do was watch the sad old man walk up, she looked back at well, already moving on from her past, and she could only wonder how it'd felt like in unpleasant's shoes.

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