This is what tripping out feels like

315 11 51

Unpleasant stepped on the steps of the mansion, not quite taking in the color as he looked around with the pot of orchids in his hand, feeling a tug at his shirt as he looked down to see the tiny kasper begging for his attention with his big beady eyes,

"It's alright kid it's only a small meetup, we'll be out of here before ya know it." He chuckled as he pinched jaspers cheek slightly and taking a deep breath himself, opening the doors to be met with a long winding hallway and kasper running to the end of it happily and curiously, going to the light as Jeremy popped up from his right "I see yo came."

"Yeah, I got you something as well" he handed the pt of orchids as she stared at them "orchids...they're uh- rotten-?"

"Oh it's no big deal" he scoffed as Jeremy set the orchids aside rather disappointingly and glanced at unpleasant, crossing her arms "anyways, the others are here?" 

"Yep, and they'll all waiting for us." Unpleasant was amused by that before Jeremy took his hand and he got dragged into the light again, seeing the dining table with the ceiling being abnormally high, the table itself was long as well despite only William and lampert being seated alongside infected. He sat on one of the chairs and saw Jeremy sit next to him, he glared uncomfortably at the high ceiling as the others chatted 

"Man I'd go down for some cigarettes right now.."

"Why do you always smoke? Are you really this addicted?" Lampert mentioned 4 chairs away, alone.

"What can I say? The smell keeps my head cool."

"And apparently taking care of our daughter did not" Jeremy rolled his eyes

"Well she's gone. Nothing we can do now."

"Say gradie what would you do if infected disappeared?"

"Kill myself." He chuckled "but seriously I'd obviously try to look for him-"

"And I'd know where he would be." Lampert mentioned, while it was meant to be a joke, his monotone voice suggested something rather sinister.

"Now don't get too attached." William pointed "we all know what happens when you get attached."

"Uhh-" unpleasant started to get an itching feeling that this wasn't going to turn out well on his behalf.

"Yeah? Remember manny?"

Manny?....thats the nickname unpleasant gave to builderman.

"Manny-? W-what about him? I mean he's fine-

William started to laugh "BAHAHA yeah sure- he's 'fine' to you- but don't you remember gradient? you literally made out with his- snort CORPSE."

"And frankly that's quite disturbing" Jeremy spoke over Williams obnoxious laughter. "I don't even know why I'm still with you."

"Maybe because your morality is messed up!" Unpleasant tried to retaliate 

"Please, if it was, I would've left you to get tackled by the cops."

"You made out with a corpse?" Lampert finally chimed "I make corpses. I like making them."

"Oh shut it boy-"

"Whatever, say infected what do you think about all this?" Lampert turned to the headless infected, unable to respond, well, thanks to having no head.

This immediately alarmed Unpleasant as he went wide eyed "infected?"

"The boy is fine. Gradie. Anyways so have you heard of the party at marks Pla-"



William pulled out an actual trip mine and basically smashed it into the table as it exploded and left pink residue all over, unpleasant coughed as he quickly got up and walked out of the room, trying to exit but stepped on the petals of rotten orchids as Jeremy tried to ask where he went. Unpleasant  didn't care though as he ran out the door, seeing the dark night sky on the porch had just suddenly changed to a snowy day on a busy sidewalk, hey, at least unpleasant was away from the rest.

Although he was worried about his son as he ran up to the random faceless people asking where his son went, before seeing his body with his head intact walk through the crowd, he yelled out his name as he caught up and turned him around. Only to immediately let go in terror as the boy was actually just builderman, more like builderman when unpleasant first met him in high school. Faceless just like the rest.

"Where-is your son??" He asked

But there was no one to answer that

For all the people just suddenly disappeared. It was like his brain was playing minds on him, and in a moments time, scenery began to instantly change, and the scared and confused unpleasant just kept trying to keep up, it was like finding yourself in a place doing something and not remembering what happened before or why, it was going too fast. TOO FAST.

"STOP!" Unpleasant screamed. Clutching his head.


No response, just laughter, sirens, screams, music, bombings, wedding, wailing.

He couldn't take it anymore.


Then it all stopped

And now unpleasant was just standing in the middle of a nightly beach, a familiar one at that...kind of nostalgic but unnerving as unpleasant looked around.

"...oh thank god.."

"Yeah that was trippy wouldn't you think?" Builderman commented

"Yeah.." unpleasant chuckled as he turned to the decaying builderman, almost yelling in surprise as the corpse sighed

"Still, would've been realllll nice if you had just picked up that phone call..."

"..What Phone call-"

And then he awoke

In the middle of a parking lot for a dirty motel. In the rain, His body so sore he couldn't even pick up the ringing Phone near him, weakly hitting the green button without even reading who it's from.

"H-hello?" He mumbled, his voice strained and raspy as he realized he could taste blood on his lips coming from his nose, he placed an arm to cover his eyes as the other person on the line replied. 

"GRADIE WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN???? I'VE BEEN CALLING YOU ALL FUCKING NIGHT!" It took unpleasant s moment to realize it was Jeremy's voice, at least, that's what he thinks, in reality he was just so disoriented he couldn't even tell if he was talking to him, mark, or maybe his son. he took a moment to respond as he didn't want to throw up "I'm.." he removed his arm to look around his surroundings while realizing he didn't have his ride back home. "I don't know where I a-am.."


"Look why are you so mad anyways- I just wanted to relax for one night ok-?"


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