Useless as the Dead Sea.

546 11 59

Dr.Retro threw prototypes unconscious and heavily injured body onto the counter as mark cracked his non-existent knuckles.

"Jesus...lampert really fucked em up there.."

"(Ok and?? DO SOMETHING???)"


Mark rolled his eyes and quickly got to work, grabbing his screwdriver and other necessities as he wiped away the oil, not noticing the quaint and soft sounds of prototypes constant frightened pleas. Even far after the attack ended.

In the other room, Lampert was held down on a chair with duct tape as he was quite aggressive when revoked by dr.retro and the rest. Causing quite a few dents in mark's structure, but he didn't care, he was just scared, scared that they'd find out and lock him away, away from kasper...

But lampert shook his head and tried to keep his composure to himself. He didn't wanna blow this over after all, right? He saw the yellow cat doctor walk into the room, with a rather frustrated expression as she placed her hands on the desk like a teacher who's class failed the exam that day.

"( to explain yourself?)"

"He insulted kasper." Lampert lied rather non-chalantly


"and? Kas- I mean infected is my best friend.."

"(Ok look, I get it. We all protect our dear friends...but you went WAY too far young man! What did prototype even say in the first place to get that kind of reaction..?)"

"..." lampert went quiet for a moment before speaking up with another smooth lie "he called infected a monster that needs to be put down.."

"(?? Ok and??)"

"The fuck you mean 'ok and?'??"

"(I mean was that an excuse to nearly KILL him??)"


Dr.retro stopped. Stunned at lamperts answer, he didn't even seem like he regretted a thing...he just seemed...empty.

"(...I beg your finest pardon?)"

"Didnt you hear me? I said. Yes." Lampert repeated sternly, cocking his head yo for his gaze to match with dr.retros stunned and speechless stare. She gritted her teeth slightly as disgust and confusion soon blanketed the shock.

"( WRONG with you..?)"

"I'm simply just trying to be useful..and be a good friend. Besides? What are friends for?"

Dr.Retro shivered for a moment before shaking her head in disbelief and sighing "(ok yeah. You DEFINITELY got some issues lampert..we might have to sign you up for therapy-)"

"(No actually- better yet! A mental hospital would be MUCH more effective!)" Dr.Retro mocked in a slightly sarcastic manner, preparing to actually be serious and talk with lampert before he replied


"(I was half-joking- ok but seriously we nee-)"

"Mental hospital??"

Lampert felt a deep. Deep pit form in his stomach. And heart.

"Does that mean I won't be able to...protect my home?? To see kasper??"

"Does that mean I'll be useless?"

"(!? What- no no no! You won't be useless lampert- you just have a few issues we gotta fix- your lack of empathy is one. And your violent tendencies is another- but you won't be 'useless' per say, just, fixed!"

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