Chapter 14: No Rest For the Wicked

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Carmilla: . . . You say I can trust you?

Y/N: Carmilla I could burn you to a crisp right now. The only reason you landed this hit was because I was in shock. But, I won't commit any acts of violence against you. You have my god sworn word.

  Carmilla looks to you, then lets out a sigh, walking to the window.

Carmilla: You're lucky he's no friend of mine. But there is a demon, one who is VERY strong, yet not really an overlord. He spoke of you, described a man with a flaming sword and an eye kissed by the Serephim that let him see evil in it's true form. He said you sparred him, but only after he took something from you, that you held dear without you even knowing.

  Your eyes widen as the memory fully clicks into place. Everything that you had tried to forget suddenly reformed in your brain.

Y/N: . . . Thank you Carmilla. This was a fun evening. Sorry for threatening you earlier. Be safe, and be well.

  You stand still for a moment, recollecting your thoughts as you quickly fly out of the room, leaving Carmilla a bit bewildered at your sudden disappearance. The door to her office opens as two girls come in just in time to see the papers in the wind, and their mother adjusting her outfit from the wind.

Clara: Mom? What happened in here?

  Carmilla let out a sigh as she just sat back down at her desk.

Carmilla: Nothing. Just the wind.

  Meanwhile with you, you rush back to the hotel, forcing the door open as you see Husker closing up shop for the bar. You rush over to the bar, the sudden wind blowing some of his fur back.

Husker: The fuck got into you?

Y/N: Husker, I need wine. A whole bottle again, I need to fix something.

  He hands you a bottle as you quickly rush back up to your room. Popping the cork and downing it. The thoughts in your mind swirl like a flooded mess. But you try to work through your mind, shifting through your memories.

Y/N: . . . Edna. . . Vaggie. . . Edna. . . Vaggie. He. . Hehehe. I REMEMEBR!!!!

  You rush over grabbing a paper and a pen, writing out the scenarios you can remember.

Y/N: I never could erase my memories! I knew that, so I just locked them away. Because if I did erase them, then it would make other memories inconsistent. I can't remember Lamech without remembering his mother Edna, I can't remember my feelings for the extermination or my mission without Vaggie. Those two women are key factors in making me who I am. But without them, I act like. . . ew. I act like an asshole. Sorry God for cursing.

  You stand from the table, making your way to the mirror. Looking at the scratch you had down the left side of your face, a perfect line that didn't go too deep. You still had your eyes. But that was gonna leave a scar. You bring your hands together in a similar way to when you fought Carmilla, pulling out a flaming sword, at least that was the expectation, but once again, just a wisp of fire came out, before it vanished.

Y/N: As I feared. . . Am I becoming a fallen?

???: Of course you are.

  You quickly turn around to see the shaded figure from before. You took a stance as they entered, taking the form of something else that you did not expect. Your eyes widen as they take the form of Vaggie, only with a very unsettling look the their face.

Y/N: Who are you?

???: You already know that. You're the smart one.

Y/N: . . . You look like someone I love, who I tried to forget. Soooo. . . a manifestation of my fears?

???: Sure, lets go with that.

  They sit on your bed, criss crossed as the lean side to side.

???: So you found out your old self was too pussy to really forget those two girls of yours. So you think everything is fine now? Far from it. You can't call your sword, and now you have all the memories that held you back in the first place. Al lthe memories you tried to hide from came back anyway HAHAHAA!! It's like your on personal hell, watching the woman you run to for comfort FUCK the woman you loved HAHAHAAAA!!! God you're pathetic.

Y/N: So what. Even if I remember, I will overcome. God is with me.

???: Whatever floats your boat Methy. What's the next plan? You gonna go back to Carmilla, or maybe you're gonna go see Charlie and bitch to her, or maybe go back up to heaven to run to Emily or Sera. OR run to Adam like you were planning to with your daddy issues.

Y/N: I don't have daddy issues.

???: Oh but you do. Enoch left you alone then soon your mother passed as well. Though you had your wife, she was taken while your son was a child. You were forced to raise him all alone, unprepared for so much responsibility. You were basically a lost child yourself at that point, and a failure. Then in heaven, your father is always too busy, leaving you with nothing, no one to pat you on the head and give you the words of affirmation you wanted, so Adam was who you looked to as a father. Is that why you acted the way you did? To gain a father figures approval for once?

Y/N: I'm not listening.

  You go to turn away, but they appear sitting on your desk, staring you deep in the face.

???: Oh come on, we know you can't tune me out. You couldn't please Adam, you can't please Sera, you failed your wife, you failed your son, you lost Vaggie, and it seems your only REAL friends, if you can call them that are Emily and Charlie. But if Charlie knew your roll in helping start this extermination, will she be your friend then? Or what if you fall? Then you'll never see Emily again. You'll be just like you were on earth, your worst fear. . . alone.

  You clench your fist as you do your best to keep your composure.

Y/N: That's not gonna happen. You can say whatever you want, I've been alone for centuries, if it is in God's will, then I say let his will be done, but until then and ONLY then, I am not going anywhere.

  They let out a dark chuckle as they kick their feet out like a child who heard the funniest joke of their life.

???: Oh yeah, there's also that demon Carmilla told you about. The one you spared. Guess that's another failure.

Y/N: I'll make it right by severing his head.

  They chuckle to themselves.

???: Tick tock. You may not have the time. If you were to face him now as you are, a broken angel, unable to even wield the weapon that was forged for them, then you are already gonna get your ass kicked. If Carmilla could do what she did, what do you think he's gonna do? 

  They vanish in a whisper, leaving you with their words.

Y/N: I don't need to face him now. I just need to find him. . . luckily, I think there's someone in this hotel who can do just that. But before all that. I need to cleanse this body. Then find out why I can't use my sword.

  You make a portal to heaven, half expecting it to fail, what with recent actions that you were forced to remember. You still didn't feel right, looking at the blindfold for a moment. seeing that on the inside, you had inscribed something in latin on the inside. Using your abilities, you mend the part that was cut, before wrapping it across your face once again, in a flash, your wings ignite as you feel your entire persona shift.

Y/n: Holy shit! This is fuckin wicked! I admit, this has to be the second best thing I ever made, the first being Lamech of course. 

  You remember what the shadow said about you being broken, which you had to admit was true. Thus version of you was the version you felt everyone wanted, while the real you, the dark you was the one everyone needed. Both were still you to some extent, but maybe this could help you bring those two together. At least in a more true and holy light.

  Taking the cloth from your eyes as you return to normal, you let out a sigh.

Y/N: God forgive me for anything I do and say when I have it one. At least this'll make talking to Adam easier. Just, I hope I don't bang anyone else. My poor pure body.  

  With that, you leap through the portal.

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