Chapter 10: As Above

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  You open your eyes weakly to the sound of knocking on your door. You roll out of bed, making your way to the front door as you open it.

Adam: YO What's up Methy!

  Adam holds out his hand as you stare for a moment before doing your signature handshake.

Y/N: Why are you here? You never really visit me.

Adam: Well, I just so happened to be in the neighborhood and Lute wanted me to check up on you, for some lame ass reason or whatever.

Y/N: . . . That's it?

Adam: Hey, I'm a very busy man! I can't baby sit you all the time.

Y/N: . . . Well, either way. I. . . I really appreciate it Adam. 

  The air was a bit tense as the both of you stood in front of each other. You and Adam never really talked one on one before, unless it was business. You remembered what Emily told you, and you did remember that out of all the humans on earth that shared your blood, Adam was the only one you had that was truly family to you.

Y/N: She's forcing you to do this isn't she.

Adam: Huh what?

Y/N: This sounds like something Emily would do. I can tell you don't wanna be here.

Adam: . . . Fuck it, fine. Yeah, Emily said you were sad or some shit, so she asked if I could check up on you and. . bond. Or whatever the fuck. Something about Daddy issues.

Y/N: I don't have daddy issues.

Adam: And mommy issues.

Y/N: I don't have mommy issues either.

Adam: You're right, you've got EVERYTHING issues. Like you used to be so fun, now you're just-

  Your hair flares up as you stare at Adam with a firm glare.

Y/N: If you call me lame I swear to the creator I'll show you why I stopped being who I was.

  Adam holds up his hands in defense.

Adam: WHOA! Chill man, even if yeah, you kinda are, but no need to go all solar on me! How's about we go see how the executioners are doing. Come on, we can talk and fly.

  Adam takes off as you follow after him, snapping your fingers and changing your outfit to your usual attire.

Adam: You know, the executioner's really dig your whole goth look now. We got more now, and it's time you made the appearance as the fist executioner.

Y/N: Adam, that title doesn't suit me. I'm not the first. Even if my actions helped inspired this idea, I did all that looking for-

Adam: Your wife, which I get man totally. I was watching you on earth you know. You killed almost a million demons and Nephilim on earth, was fuckin metal! And with that flaming sword! Like that one demon you actually made pray! That was fucking hilarious! Then that one demon. You shoved the sword down his throat, then cranked the head up and cooked him from the inside. Then the succubus that pretended to be your wife! That one was-

Y/N: Adam, you and so many others think that was cool, that I am lame now for being as passive as I am, but on earth looking for her and killing so many for her, it made me tired. It was the worst time of my life. I never slept, I never rested. I only hunted with that blade helping me. I finally rested when I died, and then Sera was the first thing I saw. Coming to heaven, then storming down to hell as an angel looking for her.

  You open and close your hands as you remember the efforts you put forth for Edna in the first place. It as a tragedy that no one knew besides you, Emily, Sera, and Adam. But only you could grasp the tragic reality of the situation. 

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