Chapter 12: All That Burns is Not Fire

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 (Lemon warning)

  You walk into your room with Lute in your arms as you press your lips against hers. You try taking advantage and taking the top role, but you are quickly forced onto the bed by Lute. Lute begins stripping her clothing, down to her undergarments making your hair kick up more holy sparks.

 Lute begins stripping her clothing, down to her undergarments making your hair kick up more holy sparks

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  She pounces on you planting kisses all over your face and down your neck. You flip her onto her back as you plant kisses and marks down her neck, lightly sinking your teeth into her smooth pale skin.

Lute: Holy shit, what got into you babe?

Y/N: Well, hopefully not the same thing that's gonna get into you.

  You say with a sly grin for a moment. You feel her flip you back over, moving down your body sensually as she undoes your jacket. Kissing down your chest making you hug onto her, tugging at her bra. She moves up, straddling your waist taking off her top, moving to your wrists then moving them up to her breasts.

  Your face flushes with heat as your hair kicks up sparks a bit. Lute looks down at you with a smile as you squeeze them softly, a smile of pure bliss crossing her lips as she goes down, kissing you deeply while undoing your pants. She was moving quickly like an animal in heat. You couldn't even find the strength to move too much, mostly because you didn't want to ruin her fun.

  Feeling your heart skip a beat as she removes the rest of her underwear, the last part of her clothing. Leaving her bare to you and all of your eyes. You follow her lead as she helps you undress your garments, soon after, she grinds herself against your member. You sit up and lock lips with her. She continues grinding making your hair and wings kick up holy sparks of fire, running her fingers through the black and gold flaming locks.

  She sits up before you feel herself lowering herself on your member. She trembles in your grasp, clinging to your back, her nails digging into, her breaths grow heavier as every inch of you makes it's way inside of her.

Lute: Ah! O-Oh God yes. Mmmm, I-I'm surprised you're willing to do this. B-But are you sure?

Y/N: We're already this far. Besides. This feels too good to stop now.

  Pressing your lips against her as you thrust into her. She clings to you for dear life as you force yourself deeper into her. It felt too good to stop, this sensation felt all too familiar, yet new at the same time. 

  Your motions continue, you move your hands down her waist, clinging to her soft butt, earning some moans as the kiss grows to become more sloppy. Your tongues swirl together, feeling her hot breath on you, hugging her tight while your thrusts increase in speed. 

  Lute was in absolute ecstasy. She desired nothing but you right now in this moment. Silently sneering at what Vaggie would think if she knew what her lover was currently doing. Knowing that the man she worked so hard for, the man she stole from her was now deep inside of her, ready to paint her insides with a new shade of love.

Lute: I l-love you so much.

Y/n: I love you too baby.

  You press your lips against hers one final time as you both moan into the kiss, feeling yourself erupt inside of her. She falls back afterwards. smiling on your bed with the stuffing you just gave her. She as out of it, and looked pretty drained. What with training the other exorcists and now this. 

  Deciding it best to allow her this moments rest, you roll out of the bed. Snapping your fingers as your clothes manifest back onto your body. Making your way out of the room and into the living room. You stare at the open window, your reflection looking back at you for a moment as your flames suddenly burn out.

  It was as if all the exhaustion hit you at once, your flames, all of them were out entirely. Not a single spec of light remained on your body. You struggle to move from your knees, but then ou see a familiar pair of boots  in front of you. They were dark. This figure was shrouded in shadow, that you couldn't make out who or what they were. All you saw were their eyes, and their eyes looked like they could belong multitude of people at the same time.

???: You filthy wretch. Committing a cardinal sin under our very roof. How lo you have fallen.

Y/N: W-Who are you supposed to be?

  You asked, trembling in your voice at the way they sounded. They sounded like multiple people at once. It was very discombobulating to look at their eyes and hear them speak.

???: Oh please. You know exactly who I am. But, you won't listen right now. You aren't feeling it yet. But you will.

  They lean down, grabbing you by the halo.

???: Just remember. 

  You felt tension, as if they were breaking your halo apart. You grab onto their wrists to stop them, but cracks began forming in it as only look up, unable to break their grasp. 

  They just stared at you with that gaze, the gaze that rang with anger, disappointment, sadness, worry, irritation, and disgust.

???: You wanted this.

   In mere moments, the halo is shattered to pieces. 

  Letting out a sharp gasp, your eyes shoot open as you look up at the ceiling. You feel a light weight on you, looking down as you see Lute fast asleep on your chest with a smile plastered on her face.

  The both of you were hot, and the skin to skin contact made it clear that the sex was not a dream. You stealthfuly move out of the bed. Snapping your fingers as your clothes form around you. Although, not all of it was a dream. You clench your fists and force your flames to ignite.

  IT felt like you were clenching a muscle, forcefully to it's max, and keeping it maintained as your flames burn.

Y/N: There. Don't wanna be the only throne with no flames. That's just pathetic. Now what did I need to do. . . Oh right. Show and tell day.

(Tis a shorter chapter, but I hope you all enjoyed it nonetheless. Anyway, let me now what you can't wait to see next)

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