Chapter 39: Mount Holukanis Steel Totem

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A couple days have passed after Nanu defeated Ash. Right now he is training with Tapu Bulu the Island Guardian. He wants Lycanroc to control his anger but Ash doesn't seem to realize what Lycanroc is doing just yet.

While he is working with Tapu Bulu, Niku is on his way to Mount Holukanis the second largest mountain in Alola. He remembered
the mountain has some steel type Pokémon and others, so he made a trade on the Island and also was planning to capture a Steel Type.


Niku and Eevee made it to a stop on the side of the mountain and could see a cave.

Niku: Ok, Eevee let's do this.

Eevee: Eevee.

They both headed inside and can see so many rock types along with some other types like Electric, Rock, Psychic and Normal types.

Niku: I wonder where the Totem is?

They kept searching and searching but nothing.

Niku: I can't believe it, did Nanu trick me?!

Eevee: ...-_-... Vee.

???: Fini!

Niku: Huh?

Niku looked up to see Tapu Fini.

Niku: Tapu Fini?

Eevee: Eevee?

Tapu Fini: Fini! Fini!

Niku: Why is Tapu Fini here and not on Poni Island?

Tapu Fini: Fini!

Tapu Fini floated a different direction to who knows where.

Niku: I think it knows where the Totem is.

Niku and Eevee followed the deity deeper and then came to a stop and saw alot of stairs.

Niku: Stairs? All the way up there? Must be where the Totem is?

Eevee: Eevee!

Eevee ran up ahead and Niku followed her.

Scene Change

They made it all the way to the top and can see everything you see from atop of a mountain.

Niku: Wow, nice view!

Eevee: Vee. Eevee.

Tapu Fini: Fini!

Niku: Huh?

Eevee: Eevee?

Tapu Fini floated away and then a shout was heard.

???: Meta!

Niku: Hm?

Niku looked up and can see what is coming down.

Niku looked up and can see what is coming down

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???: Meta! Meta!

Niku: A Metagross! The Totem is a Metagross?!

Metagross: Metagross!

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