Chapter 15

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It had been half an hour since Damon left and Nancy still couldn't stop sobbing. Her face was red in pain and shame. Her body was heating up.

She hated how her brother had left her all alone. Damon's torture wasn't any less but what had her more pierced was her brother's betrayal. Every scar was making her fall more into this sorrow. And, the fact that he would never realize or regret leaving his sister in this mess had her pinned.

Did she have any option but to propose this marriage to Damon? She cried harder at her misery. Her thin fingers were shivering on her forehead. This was unbearable. 

"Why me? Why me?" She gasped and looked around. "Aaaa...." She let all the tears out. This is what she wanted to do right now. Cry her heart out. Mourn over how her life turned out to be. The fact that there was no one out there hoping for her safety was a cruel one. No one cared. No one was coming to save her. Not even the brother she did so much for.

Until this morning, she had tried telling herself that things could have gone more horrible. If Damon hadn't accepted her in for marriage, his men would have feasted on her and left no crumbs. But this wasn't working anymore.

She was hurt. This pain was so much to carry. She didn't want Damon anywhere close to her. If it was made possible she would have changed things and get as far as she could. But nothing was in her hands now. Nothing!

Did she have any options except to beg Damon to not hurt her behind these walls? She was married to one of the most powerful men in the world. No matter where she goes she will be his subject. And, she would only make things harder for her. She knew what it meant for a woman like her to be married to someone like Damon. That too if that marriage was with the head of the family. No matter where she goes. She can't run from what she was. And, now can't run from what she is.


I sometimes wonder what Aunt Leslie would have felt. Why did she choose to get killed? Why didn't she raise her voice against this injustice? Nancy asked her governance Abby who got deep lines on her forehead at her question.

"She chose to give her life up once she decided to marry him. She knew what she was doing. Why don't you finish this painting of yours and not get your brain into..." Nancy knew what Abby was trying to do.

"Aren't you sad for her? Why dad didn't help her? Why didn't she come back to our place? It was her house too. She owned so much. She was powerful."

"She used to be powerful. But once she married, her husband had all the authority over what she owned."

"Why a woman should marry then?" Nancy asked,

"I don't know Nancy. Why can't you focus on your painting?"

"Because I don't want to do it. I am sad and...and, angry." Leaving her brush Nancy walked across her room and looked at the window. It had a small terrace but a vast estate covered with snow at this time of the year.

"What are you angry about? There was too little we could do about it. Maybe she should have married someone his brother wanted. But no. She wanted someone as powerful as her husband. This is what you get. We had warned her against him. But she was blind in love. You can call it a lost gamble. Or anything you want. She thought she could change him. But one thing I must tell you, Nancy. You cannot change anyone. You can only do something you are in control of. And, you can never say this about anyone else except for you." Saying all of this Abby had deep sorrow on her face. But she couldn't wander with her words. She had the responsibility to raise Nancy into a woman one could be proud to have.

Unaware of her fate, tears filled Nancy's eyes and she refused to look at her governance in such a state. But couldn't help whimpering. "Why did she marry such a man?" Nancy's small heart was hurting for her aunt. Her smile was all she could recall but then her purple lips and lifeless body came to haunt her dreams.

"She was in love," Abby mumbled lost in her thoughts too.

"She was stupid." Nancy whimpered.

"She was brave. I would have never done it. Marrying someone out of your faction is a huge gamble."

"You do realize people in the real world don't call it faction."

"Real world? What world are you talking about? It doesn't matter to us what the powerless and most of the world think. It shouldn't matter to you too." Nancy couldn't help but look at her governance. Her governance smiled and started walking to her. "And, you are one of us. Even more important one. You are our beloved..." Her father walking in got their attention. Nancy was quick to run to her father and hug him. Her governance was about to raise her concern over her lack of ethics but her father raised his hand and stopped her.

"No one will harm you. This is my promise to you. No one until I am breathing."

Flashback ends

Nancy didn't know why but she was never shattered by the fact how her family's fate turned out to be. It never felt secure enough for the things they were into. She had always suspected that if they needed to be guarded it was an indication of their vulnerability.

Her hatred toward the mafia families and how they were under the constant battle for power and position was known. No one would have ever suspected that she would choose to live in another the Sin City. It was her reason to stay here. She knew no one would look for her here. And, a decade let her believe that her life would be spent lost in the masses. But the kind of trouble her brother had gotten her into was way too much for her. She could tell she was going to die the same way as her aunt. Even worse. She didn't love him. Or wanted him anywhere close to him. Yet, she didn't have any options.

Nancy jumped when the door was slammed open. She jumped in pure fear and was quick to get on her feet. Her dress was loose on her thin frame. Damon found her fragile but it wasn't enough for him to take pity on her. He wanted to destroy her. And, he had every right to do so when she shared the blood with his enemy. When she had dared to seduce him into marriage. It wasn't easy for him to control himself whenever he saw her because he wanted to cut her into pieces. This game was becoming too generic for him.

He started walking to her and Nancy was quick to request him. "Please, don't hurt me. You have vowed to protect me." Damon winced at her stupidity.

"I thought you knew better than this." He warned,

It was such a situation for Nancy. She knew she couldn't stop him. She had given herself to him. But all he did was hurt her. And, all she could do was beg him. Beg him that he doesn't hurt her. But was it helping?

"Please..." Nancy broke into sobs and held her hands to her chest. Her body was ready for the worst. She could see it in his walk. He was here to hurt her. She was quick to close her eyes when he charged at her. She was ready for any impact but broke into sobs when he held her in his arms rather tenderly. 

"Do you want me to protect you?" Damon whispered in her ear before licking her earlobe. She was shivering badly in his hold and Damon held her tight. As if he cared so much for the cold her body was subjected by the fear he had induced. And, it did gave some warmth to Nancy but she knew not to relax. She knew better than to relax.

Nancy was crying audibly. She was too scared. Damon could tell she would give anything to not be here. And, this brought a sickening smile to his lips. He pulled away his face to look at her and held her face in his hands. "What are you scared of, honey? Look at me." Nancy opened her eyes but remained alert. She knew he could go from talking to punching in a flash of a second.

"Relax, why do you think you are not protected in my arms." His voice was soft. And, remained soft and low when he continued. "Nothing can hurt you here. Nothing can reach you. Nothing..." This time his face got tense when he gritted. "...can save you."

The next chapter is coming in one or two hours. So, please keep checking your notifications.

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