Chapter 7

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Nancy stared at her reflection standing in front of the mirror. It was after a long time she had lipstick on her lips. The red lipstick matched the red flowers in her hand. It was the same arm that was plastered. Her arm was hidden under the long veil strategically. Only her left hand was free. 

The staff spoke to her only if needed and seemed to be careful around her. Nancy too didn't talk to them except for the time to tell them if her hand was fine. Her feet hand chain around it. She could only take a step too little. An old lady from the staff had the key and she was the one who changed the position of her chain.

Nancy hadn't taken a single step out and didn't know what was awaiting her. She hasn't seen anyone making a noise around the house. Yet, how careful they were in taking care of her attire she could tell they were expecting guests. Her dress was heavy to the point it could hide her chains and no one would even hear the sound.

A guard walked in and asked the staff. "Is the lady ready?"

Everyone stared at her and Nancy bit her lip before nodding her head and managed. "I am,"

Damon was standing next to Robert who had been told yesterday that Damon would be marrying but who was the girl? He didn't care. He couldn't care as long as he didn't have to make an embarrassing call to all of the notorious bloodlines and their representatives about the cancellation of the wedding. The wedding was a serious event for such families. None of Damon's failed marriages was rumoured to be failed. In an official document, his first wife met a tragic car accident while the second took a bullet for him. Only most of his city knew the truth about his previous wives.

Robert caught Damon smiling and was amused. As far as he knew he couldn't be smiling until he avenged his unfaithful lover. Then, what was the reason behind his smile? Robert was positive he would have known if they had caught Aria and her lover. But he hadn't heard any such news. Then, it made him recall the sister they were interrogating. Robert wondered if that sister of Ken had given them any leads. For a moment he wanted to ask but then abstained thinking it could ruin Damon's will. 

Damon seemed somehow collected. And, Robert wanted to say it was because he cared what other people think of him but no. He won't think twice before throwing a tantrum in front of all these powerful people. He was as crazy as the other few people present here.

Finally, the preacher who had travelled from Vatican City arrived. He was the one who was mostly called to officiate the weddings of such elite families. He had his own set of guards in his car. 

He was escorted by Damon as the custom demanded of him. The marriage officiated under this post was never had an option of divorce. It only resolves with one party dying and prohibits any female from remarrying even after the death of her husband.

"I am sure it is not the last time I am coming for your wedding." Jacob, the priest greeted.

"I won't argue this time." Damon passed a smile and walked beside him. The priest shook his head while congratulating him and was escorted to the venue now. A few other men nodded to him and the priest knew almost everyone's name or their father's.

The beautiful venue in the back garden had around fifty tables. Given the cold winter most of the women had heavy fur dresses or robes on. Every female guest had stones in their neck as heavy as a pebble. And, the fingers showed the big stones too. From their clips to the pruses everything had diamonds or rare jewles. Their gifts for the bride and groom weren't any less. 

Someone passed Robert with the golden wine and he stopped the person to get a glass for the priest. Priest smiled at him and asked, "Where's Selena?" Robert smiled and called for Selena. "Honey?"

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