Chapter 1

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Nancy tried calling her brother's workplace for the third time in a row but they told her the same thing. "He still hasn't shown up." It's been a year since Ken had been abusing substances. He had promised her that he will quit last month but there hasn't been a single month of sobriety. It was always easy to fall back into the pit for him.

She was trying for his friend now but someone shouts for her across the road. "Jonathan! Do you want to get into trouble again?" Clara called for her who had come out to dump the garbage.

Jonathan... This is the identity Nancy uses to survive in the sin city that on the map is known as Greenfall County. A lawless city that has a mayor but only in the name. Because the mayor, Robert Anderson is the Anderson too. And, Demon Anderson who controls one of the huge networks for drugs and trafficking from Alaska was the current ruler of the family.

Hanging the phone in the booth Nancy couldn't help the tears in her eyes. She was tired of everything. She wonders for how long she will keep on the run. Was it ever going to end? 

"Jonathan!" Clara called for her again and Nancy nodded her head at once.

She walked out of the phone booth and shivered when the cold air hit her face.

Women in this city are no more than property. You are either a wife or mistress of someone with arms strong enough to break a jaw. Every man remains loyal to Demon and his family. This is how it is for everyone in Greenfall.

Andersons are one of the strongest families in the world. And, only little is known about them. People in the sin city were exceptions though. For them they were royals. And, going against them while living on their soil was an ultimate death warrant.

Nancy, who can't leave the city always knew she has to keep her secret to get through it all.

She exhaled before running back into the strip club. One of the guards came to call for her to unload the beers. This one was one of the cheapest and ultimately the crowdie strip clubs in the city. It wasn't that there weren't white-collar jobs here. There were all kinds of departments in the city but all the officials who loved their families or their lives knew to stay loyal to Demon and his men.

Nancy got out of the club with her huge jacket and mask on. It was going minus thirty-nine here. She had three cartons in her hands and one of the managers yelled. "Can't you pick more!" But his voice got troubled when he found three black Mercedes cars coming to a halt in front of the club.

For the last four months, it wasn't a strange site. The infamous Demon had lost his heart to one of the strippers Aria. She was only nineteen and soon going to be a bride for Demon. Aria first stopped doing the shows and then left the club altogether. Since then, no one had seen Demon around this club or area. The north part of the city wasn't famous for many luxurious restaurants and places for Demon's taste. He made the exception only for Aria.

Nancy wasn't the only one still for her life. All of the people around lost any signs of life and become a statue.

Praying that he doesn't look at them. One man got out at the speed of light yet without losing his demeanour to hold the door him.

Demon got his foot down and all of the staff standing around the truck looked at the man who was nothing less than a death angel. Standing at an impressive 6'6 height he looked like someone who rules the world. And, the reality wasn't different either. Everyone around remained so silent that Demon's and his men had the clear sound of their shoes.

At thirty-six, Demon Anderson had married twice, killed his both wives, and killed his only brother too. Demon had a dark blue suit on and without looking at anyone he walked into the club.

Nancy's manager gestured for her to move and she nodded. She walked in to notice how one of his men had put the music out. It was a code of respect for him. His two men pushed a few while the rest were quick to clear his path in a few seconds. The bar started emptying. It always had been the case when he used to come to see Aria in the past.

Most of the people had already emptied the club while others stayed out of curiosity. There were always the ones who would want to witness no matter what the price they might end up paying.

Demon got into the office and everyone heard something breaking before they heard, "Help!"

Nancy shivered imagining what was happening to Mr. Oliver. Though he wasn't a great employer. And, had made it difficult for any woman to work with him. Only imagining his place right now was a dreading thought.

"Ahh...Aaaa,..." Nancy blinked before looking around. Everyone had their colours going pale. "...I know nothing, my lord. I know nothing. Please!..." Nancy blinked with her feet getting cold. She still had a carton in her hand but couldn't dare to move.

She wonders what Mr Oliver had against Demon or why? Only the person who doesn't love his family or wants to die could do this. Nancy was sure Oliver doesn't love his family. But at least, he could care about his life.

All of them heard a glass-shattering scream before it got silent. Demon appeared from the office and started walking to the exit. It was the first time Nancy saw his spotless skin this close. He didn't have any impressions on his face and passed her without a glance. Nancy had heard enough horrors about him. She had seen how he didn't care about Aria's age and lust after her body. Sometimes Nancy worries about Aria. Aria was trouble and would misbehave with the staff but had her share of troubles too. Being a beautiful woman in Greenfall had gotten her into situations but the moment she caught Demon's eyes. No other eye dared to look at her. But still marrying someone who had killed his previous wives was a big one.

Two guards got in and helped Oliver's unconscious body get into the hospital. He had both arms broken. It was evident Oliver didn't have what Demon came for. If he had anything Demon wanted he would have given it to him.

Nancy kept trying for her brother in the nearby booth and ended her shift at five. The words had already gotten out on the street and no one came to their club. Every girl was busy making jokes at Oliver's expense. And, Nancy too couldn't deny the fact that Demon's presence was bad for the business.

Nancy walked to her home which was about twenty blocks down. For a moment, she wanted to stop thinking about Ken. He didn't help much anyway. But she didn't want him to get under a bus and then get her under crushing medical bills.

Nancy pressed for the elevator and walked in. She wasn't much tired. After Demon she knew the next three days won't be busy too at the club. She was about to press for the fourth floor when she noticed someone coming in. Even his cologne was enough to tell her who is this before she looked up.

"Get out of here." The man standing to Demon's right yanked her collar and pushed her out. She hardly managed not to fall. Nancy turned around and couldn't help looking at him with two men at his back. His eyes never moved to hers but Nancy was taken by the moment. She shivered and soon getting her nerves in check tried to walk away with fear eating her bones. She hardly managed not to fall or trip and only let her breath out when the elevator closed down.

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