Chapter 6

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Nancy opened her eyes to find an unfamiliar ceiling. It had fancy lighting but only a few were on and overall the room had a dark ambience. She moved her head to notice an empty chair around the end of her bed. Her sore body made her whimper a little when she tried to move. She gasped trying to feel her arm and it was still there. It was wrapped and there was a chance Demon had bought her proposal.

Nancy put her elbow on the mattress and tried to get up. But the clinking sound made her look at her feet. Her left foot had a heavy metal around her right ankle. And, in no way, it was small or delicate. It was heavy as to bind a wild animal and had already left a blue bruise on her foot. Her eyes filled with water in an instant. She didn't want to be here. She didn't want to marry someone like Damon to save her life. What kind of life was it if she were to be chained? She wasn't an animal.

She blinked looking at the huge scratch on her leg that she must have gotten from somewhere. It had a yellow colour stain of some antiseptic that had gotten dried. Nancy could feel her hair dampen in sweat. Her back was in pain. Her belly had several bruises. She was still only in her homemade bra but now someone had gotten her pants out too.

She looked around to find no one. But she still remembered what she offered him and what he warned her about. She didn't want to marry a person like him. But she also didn't want to die. For a moment, she wonders if she could do it. If she could become his wife? But then recalling how he looked at her she knew he wasn't looking for a wife. Even if he marries her it is only a game for him. He wanted to see how long she could play. Nancy knew she was anything but stupid. She could play the role but knew all of the rules could be bent by the other party and it was her loss at every turn.

She tugged on the chain harder this time and someone walked into the door to have a look at her. "You are awake?" The woman asked. Her uniform informed Nancy that she was standing right outside the door. And, was part of the staff.


"Do you need anything?" Nancy was indeed very thirsty. She was hungry too.

"Water," Nancy remained humble and that woman smiled. "Of course,"

The woman left and Nancy felt her leg sore. She wanted to bend her knee and draw it closer but couldn't. "Good evening, darling." Nancy jolted up and looked at Damon who was standing in the doorframe. He was in his silk robe with a glass in his hand.

"Good evening," Nancy didn't delay to answer. One step at a time. One step at a time. But be very careful. A voice in her mind advised her.

"You sleep a lot for my taste," Damon said tasting his wine and Nancy caught him looking at her long and firm leg. She was a Russian woman and was always told that she was pretty. Nancy could tell he was distracted with her attire at the moment.

"Must be some medication. I am not lazy if you are wondering." Damon wasn't expecting her to answer. And, he wonders if she will always have an answer except for the time he asks her about her brother's whereabouts.

"I thought it would be rude of me to not ask if you need something for your special day." Nancy drew her brows closer but the moment she realized he was talking about their wedding her breath hitched. Damon found colours draining from her face and smiled. "I am talking about our wedding day."

"When...when..." Damon liked how he finally got her. He walked closer to her and asked.

"Don't tell me you want to run away before the wedding?" Nancy knew she had to respond calmly but her tongue got frozen. The words were failing her.

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