Chapter 13

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Her mouth hurt a lot while swallowing the food but she chewed her food slowly not knowing when would be the next time he would offer her anything. Damon rose from his place and she got still. He passed her without offering her a glance and Nancy couldn't help but look at her back to make sure that he was gone. She let her breath out only when he exited the hall without looking at his back.

She turned to look at her plate and had tears in her eyes before she raised her eyes to look at the servers and guards who had their heads down. Only a few days back these same uniforms were chasing her in the woods. She didn't know if it had any one of them standing here in this space. She didn't even want to know. She had heard them going crazy over finding their prey. And, now she was having her breakfast while they were standing until she finished her food. Things were changed but she still feel like a prey.

A wave of pain soared through her back to her shoulder. After last night she knew Damon didn't have any regard for her. He doesn't give a damn about what she thinks of him. How Damon treated her was enough to tell her that he hated her very existence. She wasn't the woman he wanted in his life. The only relationship she had with him was of revenge. He wanted to hurt her only because he wanted to do it and could do it. And, he didn't want any reasons or logic for it.

But looking at the guards she wanted to try what her position was when Damon wasn't around. She was about to say can I get some codeine pills but recalled that this was not how she was supposed to talk. She shut her eyes with such force before she straightened her back. "Get me codeine?" She made sure that she had authority in her voice. She bit her cheek when one of the servers followed her order at once and left. She fisted her palm that was resting on her lap. 

She was scared. She couldn't deny it. This castle wasn't her home. But she was supposed to own it as if it was hers. Or else Nancy could tell she was going to make things difficult for her. No matter how hard Damon tries to break her. She had to stand her ground. Even if it irks him more.

She popped three pills at once and gulped it down with a glass of water. She wanted all of this pain and soreness to go away for some time. Or else she wouldn't be able to forget what had happened last night even for a moment. Her head was banging.

Nancy rose from her place after she was finished with her food and tried to walk completely fine. She didn't want anyone to know that she was hurt. This could show her weakness. And, one thing was for sure. This place wasn't for the weak.

A sigh full of pain and surprise passed her face when she stepped into her wing. She was letting it all out. She didn't have to pretend when no eye was watching. There were no men in her place and she was thankful for it. But now recalling how affected he looked when she talked back at the breakfast. She regretted a little talking back to him. She walked into her room and looked at the bed that was made already in her absence. This time she sat on the bed but flashes of how he pushed her on the bed and hurt her last night made her anxious. This whole space smelled like him. It was a reminder that she wasn't away from him. She wasn't safe.

He didn't look handsome or anything close to it last night. Whenever his face constricts with anger and his nose flares with emotions. She could tell he wanted to kill her. How he hasn't yet was maybe praiseworthy. She didn't know why he hadn't killed her already. And, for sure uncertain about the time when he will get his hands on Ken and Aria. And, what will happen when he does. It seems he won't stop looking for them anytime soon.

Nancy wanted to believe that this morning he had left for something that would take him months to come back home but knew it wouldn't be true.

So, what if he didn't like me talking back to him? Won't it be good that he kills me at once? This way I won't be living this torture every day.

She looked at her bridal gown and knew she had to change it first. She couldn't walk around in this. But what to do about it was limited. Her position was no more than a prisoner here. And, this gown reminded her of it. She had doubts that she could ask any server about what dress she could wear. When the server knocked at her door earlier to tell her about Damon's message to her she had no option but to wrap the covers around her body. And, when he asked her to get to the dining area, the wedding gown was the only thing she believed she could wear. It seems he hasn't seen Aria in this wedding gown. Or this gown was a different one than the one he had chosen for Aria.

But there were indeed a lot of dresses. There were bound to be some Aria hadn't tried. She walked to the wardrobe and started looking through it. It seemed like a victory when she found three with the tag on. She could guess that it must be the ones Aria hasn't tried yet. She couldn't mind how much skin those showed. If Damon doesn't rip them and strip her naked it was worth trying.

She couldn't lie that she hoped Damon accepted her vow as enough. She could offer him her loyalty and support in exchange for the title 'wife' and a strong man around her arm in the sin city. But it seems he wanted to hurt her for trying this on him. He didn't need anyone's loyalty or support. He was cruel. The villain you read about in the book. The one you can't redeem because redemption isn't something they ever look for. They only look for chaos. And, her position was nothing in this chaos. She was nothing in this fight.

She changed her clothes and slipped into a blood-red dress that showed a lot of her chest. How she had little breast it was easy for her to make it work. She didn't care much because at this moment she wanted to sleep. The lashes on her back and bruises on her chest were on display. She couldn't lie on her back as it hurt the most here. There was no comfortable position for her and recalling how only a few days ago the only worry in her life was to keep her house warm made her tears up. She missed the home she had built with a lot of work over all these years.

A long painful sigh made her chest blocked. Tears were shed on the pillows. She didn't even want to think about where Damon was or when will he return. She had decided not to torture herself with this question because every moment when he wasn't around wasn't meant to be wasted. She only wanted to stop feeling this pain even if it was for a moment. Because only God knows what kind of hell he was about to break on her again. She closed her eyes for long before she finally lost the sense of awareness. It was around four in the evening when she heard some footsteps. At first, she ignored it but then her body jolted before she could process it. It seems her traumatized body was on high alert for any sound. She wonders if he is here and finds him facing the balcony not long after. He turned to her slowly and smiled. "Did I wake you up? Oh, I tried not to make the sound but I guess I am never good at it." For a moment anyone could mistake him for the gentleman he wasn't. Nancy had seen his face for what he was.

Nancy blinked before she slowly rose to her hips and got her hair behind her ear. She didn't feel any energy to rise from the bed but was trying to contemplate where to find this courage because he was back. He was back with all his anger and cruelty. Nancy slowly looked at him and gulped. "Good afternoon," She mumbled.

"So, this is what being Mrs. Anderson is for you. Sleeping? Aren't you worried for your brother..." But then his eyes were glued to her body. It seems he had forgotten what he was talking about. Nancy too looked at her body and found her one nipple popping out. She was quick to cover it and looked embarrassed. Her cheeks were tainted red as she slowly rose from the bed finally. "I am sorry. I wasn't feeling good."

"You will be a sight when your brother will see you next." The straight face and dark voice was enough to aware Nancy that she was in trouble again.

Do you want the details of the next chapter or just hop to the nexxtt...

Also, Thank you sooooo much for all the comments and encouragement. I first time felt that there are really people who want me to read and who 'maybe' are waiting for the next chapter.

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