Chapter 67

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Emily's POV

Restless energy pulsed through me, a frantic rhythm matched only by the pounding of my heart. The weight of impending danger hung heavy in the air as Marco navigated the streets, his gaze inscrutable, his intentions shrouded in secrecy. Gripping my phone tightly, I concealed it from his view, every moment a delicate balance between vigilance and vulnerability.

"Could you at least tell me where we're going?" I ventured, the tremor in my voice betraying my unease as I observed our diverging path from familiarity.

"Home," Marco replied, his tone devoid of warmth, his eyes fixed on the road ahead.

Home? But this wasn't the direction to his father's house. Panic prickled at the edges of my consciousness, a sharp reminder of the unstableness of our situation. "Home?" I repeated, struggling to maintain composure. "I thought... I thought your father's house was..."

"My apartment," Marco interjected, his words slicing through the tension-laden silence. "Outskirts of town. That's where you'll be staying."

Dread coiled in the pit of my stomach. Outskirts of town? The implications of isolation sent a shiver down my spine, visions of confinement flooding my mind. "Why there?" I asked, my voice quavering despite my efforts to sound steady. "I mean, you could have at least allowed me to pack a few things?"

Marco's expression hardened, a shadow passing over his features. "Everything you need will be provided for," he declared, his tone final, brooking no argument.

I forced a nod, a facade of compliance masking the turmoil within. More hours went by on this dreadful car ride, the tension in the car thickening with each passing mile. I stared out the window, my mind racing with worry for Jason and how I could alert Lucas of Marco's plans without tipping Marco off, because every time I glanced at my phone, Marco's eyes seemed to follow, his suspicion palpable.

As the cityscape gradually gave way to open fields and sparse buildings, my anxiety grew. The isolation of the outskirts amplified my fear, making the car's interior feel even more confining. Marco's silence was oppressive, each passing mile adding to my unease.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the empty roads, Marco finally pulled into a driveway leading to a secluded apartment complex. The buildings were old and worn, with few signs of life around.

He got out of the car and helped me out as well. I was shivering in fear, but I tried my best not to show it.

"I know it doesn't look like much on the outside, but I promise the inside looks better," Marco whispered, his hand snaking around my back in a possessive grip.

I forced a smile, trying to appear composed. "I'm sure it does," I replied, my voice barely steady. The plan was to play along until I could figure out a way to escape and also get to Jason.

Marco guided me inside the apartment complex, his grip never loosening. The building's interior felt cold and unwelcoming. He led me up a flight of creaky stairs and down a dimly lit hallway to a door at the far end.

As we entered the apartment, it exuded luxury, a stark contrast to the building's exterior. Marco's grip tightened. A possessive claim that sent a shiver down my spine. "You know I love you, right?" Marco murmured his words a honeyed deception that soured on my tongue. "Everything I do, I do for us. For our future."

Swallowing hard, I met his gaze, the weight of his words heavy in the air between us. "I never asked for this," I whispered.

His eyes flickered with frustration, and he forced a smile. "You just don't understand yet. You'll see, once things finally get settled."

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