Chapter 64

17 2 6

Emily's POV

Everything happened so fast. One moment, Jason was walking in, covered in blood, and the next, he was pulling me to the dance floor. We shared the best kiss of my life, and in the next instant, he was on the floor, drowning in his own blood. The chaos around us was a blur, but all I could focus on was Jason, lying there, his life slipping away before my eyes.

Panic surged through me as I knelt beside him, my hands shaking as I tried to stem the flow of blood. It felt like déjà vu, transporting me back to the night I first met him.

"Please, Jason, stay with me," I whispered, my voice cracking with desperation. Tears blurred my vision, but I couldn't look away from his face, pale and drawn with pain.

"Somebody help!" I screamed, my voice barely rising above the chaos of the crowd, but no one seemed to come to our aid.

Desperation weighed heavily on me, my hands still trying to stop the bleeding. Jason's breaths were shallow, his eyes fluttering closed as he struggled to stay conscious.

"Please, somebody!" I yelled again, my voice breaking.

"Emily..." Jason whispered, his voice barely audible.

"Save your strength," I urged, my heart breaking at the sight of him so vulnerable. "Someone is coming, just hang on."

I cradled Jason's head in my lap, my screams for help growing more frantic with each passing second. Blood was everywhere, staining my hands and seeping into my clothes. Desperation clawed at my chest as I looked around, seeking any sign of assistance.

My gaze soon landed on Helena, who stood a few feet away, her arms folded across her chest, her expression cold and indifferent.

"Why isn't she doing anything to help?" I screamed internally, anger and confusion racing through my mind. Helena's indifference cut through the chaos like a knife, her cold detachment a stark contrast to the desperate situation unfolding around us.

Lucas rushed in, his gun drawn as he scanned the chaos around us. but then his eyes widened in surprise as he saw Jason's body crumpled in my arms.

"Fuck!" he muttered, urgency overtaking him as he hoisted Jason up. Without a second's hesitation, he carried Jason toward the exit, his movements swift and determined.

I followed closely, my mind reeling from the rapid turn of events. Lucas moved with determined urgency, his usual boldness replaced with genuine concern for his friend. We manoeuvred through the chaos, dodging panicked guests and frantic staff until we reached the driveway where Jason's car was.

"Get in, we need to get him to the hospital," Lucas ordered, his voice steady despite the tension. He gently laid Jason in the back seat, urgency clear in his actions.

I hesitated for a minute, unsure if this was the right thing to do. My mind was a whirl of confusion and fear.

"Emily, I don't have time for this," Lucas said, his tone growing impatient. "I need to get my best friend to the hospital. Are you coming or not?"

"I... I," I stuttered, unable to form a coherent response.

"Emily, if you don't want to come, that's fine," Lucas said, his voice softening slightly. "But I know that when Jason wakes up, you're the one he would want to see."

His words struck a chord in me, and without another second's hesitation, I hurried into the car. I breathed out heavily, trying to steady my shaky form as I got into the back seat and cradled Jason's head on my lap once more.

Lucas jumped into the driver's seat and floored the accelerator. The car sped down the streets, weaving through traffic with determined urgency. I held onto Jason tightly, whispering soothing words in his ear even though I wasn't sure he could hear me.

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