Chapter 66

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Emily's POV

As consciousness slowly returned, I found myself greeted by Marco's concerned face hovering over me. For a moment, I questioned whether it was all just a dream or if Marco's presence was merely a figment of my imagination.

But as I blinked away the haze of sleep and confusion, the reality of the situation came crashing back. Marco was kneeling beside me, his hand brushing a lock of hair from my face.

"Hey there, sleepyhead," he said softly, a faint smile playing on his lips. "You had me worried there for a moment."

As I tried to make sense of everything, the events of the night flooded back to me in a dizzying rush. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks.

"You... you tried to kill me," I seethed, my voice shaking with disbelief and anger as I struck out at Marco, unable to contain the torrent of emotions raging inside me.

Marco's expression shifted from concern to shock as my words hit him like a physical blow. He reached out, his hands gripping mine firmly, trying to steady me in my agitation.

"I would never try to hurt you, Emily. How could I harm the woman I love?" he pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation, his eyes searching mine for understanding.

But his words only fueled the fire of my anger, igniting a fierce determination within me to confront the painful truth of his betrayal.

"Don't you dare," I spat, wrenching my hands-free from his grasp. "Don't you dare pretend as if you care about me after what you've done!"

The words tore from my throat, raw with the pain of betrayal and the weight of Jason's sacrifice. I could feel the fury coursing through my veins, burning like wildfire, fueled by the realization of Marco's deception.

"If not for Jason who risked his life to save mine, I would have been dead! Now Jason is in the hospital," I yelled, each word a dagger aimed straight at Marco's heart.

Marco's expression hardened, his features twisting into a mask of stern resolve.

"Why do you care so much about Jason Russo all of a sudden?" he demanded, his voice sharp with accusation. "Have you forgotten why you are here?"

His words hit me like a slap in the face, jolting me out of my reverie. The truth of his question hung heavy in the air, a painful reminder of the choices I had made and the consequences they had wrought.

"Jason is in the hospital because he tried to save me," I replied, my voice trembling with emotion. "Forgive me for having a soul."

Marco's gaze bore into me, intense and probing as if he were trying to unravel the tangled web of thoughts swirling within my mind. His words cut through the silence like a knife, each syllable dripping with suspicion and distrust.

"I hope you have not allowed yourself to be brainwashed by that Russo douchebag," he said, his voice laced with venom. "Because I saw what happened at the party. I saw the kiss... Tell me you were just playing along, and it meant nothing."

I froze at his words, feeling as though time itself had come to a standstill. The intensity of Marco's gaze, burning with anger and accusation, seared through me like a hot knife through butter. At that moment, it was as if the air had been sucked from the room, leaving me gasping for breath as I struggled to find my voice.

"Answer me!... tell me you have not opened your legs for that asshole," he yelled, his words laced with venom.

"I know why I am here, and I know the consequence if I betray you, so the answer is no," I replied, my voice steady despite the turmoil raging inside me.

Marco's eyes narrowed, his expression unreadable. "I hope for your sake that you're telling the truth," he said, his voice cold and hard.

I nodded, swallowing hard against the lump in my throat. "I am," I insisted, though the words tasted like ash on my tongue.

"Good, I have great news, my love," Marco said, moving closer to me, a twisted smile playing on his lips.

"Your time here is over, you don't have to stay any longer," he announced, and I felt a wave of confusion wash over me.

"Why aren't you happy? You should be happy because you're the one who always wanted to leave. Now you can, and yet you don't seem happy about it," Marco continued, his tone almost mocking.

I stared at him, my mind racing. "What do you mean, Marco? Why now? Why are you suddenly letting me leave this place?" I asked, my voice shaky.

His smile widened, but there was no warmth in it. "Because, my love, whoever put Jason in the hospital did me a favour, He is vulnerable thus giving me and my men the perfect time to attack. Jason will die, and there will be no need for you to stay any longer," he said, his voice cold and calculating.

"What?" I gasped at his words, the air catching in my throat as the weight of his threat settled over me like a suffocating blanket. The cold, calculated tone of his voice sent shivers down my spine, and I felt a wave of fear wash over me.

"Get your things, we're leaving," Marco commanded, his tone firm and unwavering. "You know what, leave it... I will get you new clothes and whatever you need."

Before I could even utter a word, Marco let out, "We need to leave now!" I felt a surge of panic rising within me as Marco yanked me out of bed, his grip firm. The abruptness of his actions left me disoriented, my mind struggling to catch up with the whirlwind of events unfolding before me.

"Marco, wait! I can't just leave Aurora just like that?" I stammered, trying to steady myself as he dragged me toward the door.

Marco ignored my protests as he continued to pull me along, his grip unyielding. I managed to grab my phone, clutching it tightly, a lifeline in the chaos. Marco hurriedly sneaked me out of the Russo's mansion, moving with a practised stealth that sent chills down my spine. When we reached the waiting car, he forced me into the passenger seat, the door slamming shut beside me.

My heart raced with fear as Marco wasted no time. He jumped into the driver's seat, his hands steady on the wheel, and stormed off into the night. The tyres screeched against the pavement, and the mansion quickly receded into the distance.

The car sped through the dark, empty streets, the silence between us thick and oppressive. My mind raced, searching for a way out of this nightmare. I glanced at Marco, his jaw set in a grim line, eyes focused on the road ahead.

"I will finally have the life that I dreamt of and you will be my queen, and we will rule this city together, now that Jason Russo is as good as dead," Marco declared, his words dripping with a mixture of triumph and anticipation as he glanced at me with a smile.

As Marco painted a picture of our future, my thoughts strayed to Jason, the weight of his impending fate heavy on my heart. The mere idea of him dying, and the sacrifice he made for me being in vain, filled me with an urgency I had never known before.

Amid Marco's promises and plans, one thing became crystal clear: 

I couldn't let Jason die.

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