Chapter 65

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Emily's POV

I froze at his question, my mind racing as I grappled with conflicting emotions. Jace's intense gaze bore into me, waiting for a response, his proximity sending a shiver down my spine.

"I... I have to go," I said softly, my hand trembling as I reached for the car door handle. But before I could open it, Jace's hand shot out, gripping my arm gently but firmly.

"Wait," he said, his voice softer now, almost pleading. "I shouldn't have asked that. Forgive me. I know you feel nothing for him. Jason is just your boss. Right?

I turned back, his words slicing through me like a knife. The air in the car felt charged, electric, as if the wrong move could set off an explosion.

'' I... I,'' I stuttered.

" "Shh," Jace's voice cut through the tension,'' You do not have to say anything, But you can't blame me for asking, after everything that happened tonight. ″ He kissed you," Jace continued, his voice tinged with a mix of frustration and hurt.

His words lingered heavy, unspoken questions filling the space between us. His eyes, dark and searching, locked onto mine, seeking answers I wasn't sure I could give.

"Jace," I began, my voice shaking, betraying my inner turmoil.

"It is okay," Jace interrupted, pulling me closer, his face just inches from mine. I could feel his breath, warm and urgent, on my skin.

"I've liked you from the very first day I saw you, Emily. And I am only jealous because I don't want to lose you... Say you like me too," he whispered, his voice raw with emotion, his eyes pleading.

My heart raced, caught in the intensity of the moment. The air between us is thick with uncertainty. My mind raced, replaying the events of the night; Jason's kiss, Jace's confession. It was just so overwhelming.

"Please say something, don't leave me hanging like this," Jace whispered, his voice barely audible but filled with desperation.

I swallowed hard, my mind racing. The weight of his words pressed down on me, and I knew I couldn't evade his question any longer.

"Jace," I started, my voice trembling. "I'm sorry, I can't give you what you want."

His expression changed immediately, the hope in his eyes flickering out like a candle in the wind. He looked away, trying to mask the hurt, but I could see the pain etched on his face.

"You've been a good friend, Jace," I continued my voice barely above a whisper. "And I care about you, but not in the way you want me to.

Why don't we just remain friends, and not complicate things." I let out.

"This is about my brother, right? You want him, I can see it in your eyes," Jace lashed out, his words cutting through the tense air like a knife.

I recoiled at his accusation, stunned by the sudden shift in his demeanour. "Jace, no, that's not—"

"Don't lie to me, Emily!" he interrupted, his voice rising with anger. "I've seen the way you look at him, the way you light up whenever he's around. You've been pining after him this whole time!"

"Jace!" I yelled as I wondered why he was acting this way.

"Just be rest assured that I will not allow Jason to win. He didn't win with Amara, and I will not allow him to win even with her replica," Jace declared, his voice filled with determination, before storming out of the car.

I sat there, stunned by his outburst and his sudden departure. The weight of his words hung heavy in the air, leaving me feeling unsettled and unsure of what to do next.

Soon, a gentle knock on the window startled me. With a glance, my heart soared as I spotted Anna, holding Aurora in her arms. Their presence was like a burst of sunshine breaking through the clouds of my troubled thoughts.

Without hesitation, I practically leapt out of the car and rushed to hug Aurora.

"Hi, Koala," I whispered, my voice filled with affection as I held her close to my chest.

"You look terrible, Emily. Have you been crying?" Aurora asked, her innocent voice cutting through the air like a knife.

I blinked back tears, caught off guard by her perceptiveness. "No, I'm just having a long night," I replied, forcing a smile despite the heaviness in my heart.

Aurora smiled back, her gaze drifting around as if searching for something. "Where is my Dad? I want to give him his birthday gift. Anna refused me from seeing him, she said the party was only for adults," she said, her expression turning into a slight frown, and I had to fight to hold back my tears once more.

I took her hand in mine, squeezing it gently. "I know, sweetheart and I'm sure your dad would have loved it. But sometimes, grown-ups have to do things that we don't understand right away. It doesn't mean he doesn't love you."

Aurora's expression softened slightly, but there was still a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Okay, Emily," she said quietly, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Come on, let me tuck you into bed, it's late," I said gently as we all walked into the house.

After tucking Aurora into bed and assuring her that everything would be alright, I quietly left the room, closing the door behind me. As I made my way back to my room, a heavy silence enveloped the house, broken only by the faint sounds of the night outside.

Passing the hall where all the chaos had happened earlier, I hesitated for a moment before stepping inside. The scene was a stark reminder of the turmoil that had unfolded just hours ago. Broken pieces of furniture and glasses littered the floor, and the air still carried the echoes of raised voices and shattered emotions.

I walked further into the room, the dim light casting eerie shadows across the floor. My footsteps echoed softly against the cold, tiled surface, each one a reminder of the events that had unfolded here.

And then, as if drawn by some unseen force, my gaze landed on Jason's dry pool of blood.

A shiver ran down my spine as I stared at the dark stain, stark against the pale tiles. The sight sent a wave of nausea washing over me, bile rising in my throat as the memories flooded back with brutal clarity.

I felt my breath catch in my chest, the weight of guilt and sorrow pressing down on me like a leaden cloak. ''Why did he have to take a bullet for me?

The question echoed in my mind, haunting me with its unbearable weight. Jason's sacrifice, his willingness to lay down his life to protect mine, filled me with a tumult of conflicting emotions. He no longer seemed like the monster Marco had portrayed him out to be.

Not able to stand the sight any longer, I walked back to my room, desperate to get out of my bloody clothes, I switched on the light but froze in my tracks at the sight before me.

"Hi, my love, why do you look so surprised to see me? Didn't you miss me, because I sure as hell missed you?"

"Marco!" I breathed his name, my voice barely above a whisper, disbelief warring within me as I wondered how he was here.

Before I could comprehend what was happening, my legs gave out beneath me, giving me fully to the darkness.

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