Mad woman

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"Unexpected for sure," I said, "How'd you get in here?"

"That would be me," Emily said, "Listen, I wanted to talk to you about this for a while. I didn't know how to and uh."

"You're dating?" I asked.

"What? Wait? How did you know?" She asked sitting next to her.

"I mean it doesn't take a profiler to connect the dots," I told her sitting with them, "Did you take my advice on how you get the girl?"

Emily chuckled, "Kinda. So you're not, like mad?"

"Why would I be mad?" I asked confused and looked to Alex, "I mean unless you do my sister dirty, then you gotta know I carry two guns on me at all times."

"Like you're the one to talk about doing someone dirty," Alex replied with a smile.

"Ooh," I nodded impressed, "She got bold."

"Oh god," Emily said relaxing, "I'm so glad it's not weird."

"So how's it going with JJ?" Alex asked me.

"Okay, I'm taking that back now," Emily said.

"Chill," I said shoving her leg, "It's going great. We're having a baby."

Alex looked at me like she just saw a ghost, "A baby?"

"Long story short, yes," I chuckled rubbing my forehead, "I'm still in shock, but I think it'll be okay."

"I'm gonna be the rich aunt," Emily said proudly, "But first you need to talk to her."

"And explain why I might be getting fired after what I said to Barns," I said, "Safe to say my reputation at the fbi has never been worse."

"She likes you for you," Alex said, "She won't care about that."

"I definitely hope so," I said, "She's staying at Garcia's tonight so I'm gonna head to bed and leave you guys to it. Have a good one."

I finished my drink and went to take a shower. I knew they wouldn't fire me because they can't afford to lose neither of us. I was only afraid that my big mouth would rob me of any chance at getting out of that mission now.

After a long shower I went to bed, watched a couple episodes of a show and went to sleep. It was weird to sleep without JJ in my bed so I didn't get much because I would wake up every half an hour. When I woke up around six am I decided to get out of bed.

I went to the kitchen and made some coffee. It was saturday so we didn't have work. The team wants to hang out later tonight, but I haven't decided if I'm going or not yet. For now I was just drinking coffee and watching tv until the girls woke up and joined me.

"Hey," Emily said taking the coffee out of my hands and drinking it.

"Excuse me?" I said looking at her.

"You're excused," she responded sitting next to me.

"Okay," I nodded.

Alex chuckled, "Want a can of coke?"

"Yes," I nodded, "Thank you."

We spent the morning watching tv and talking. I sent JJ a few messages, but she wouldn't respond so I was starting to get a little worried. I decided to wait a couple hours thinking that maybe she was still sleeping.

I tried calling her multiple times with no answer. I tried Garcia and got the same outcome. Around twelve pm I called again and this time she did answer. I left the room to talk to her in private.

"Jayje?" I said, "Thank god, are you okay?"

"Yes," she said, her voice sounding like she's been crying, "I told you I'd be back today, stop calling me."

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