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„Where's your other half?" Emily asked me while I was playing a game.

I took my headset off as I finished the first round, „Home sick, why?"

„I wanted to have a girls night tonight," she said sitting next to me, „Why aren't you with her?"

„I was just about to leave, she didn't want me come earlier," I told her, „We can do girls night, I'll see if she's feeling any better."

„Okay, cool. See you later then, I'll call Penelope," she said.

„Cool," I said getting up to leave.

I left my apartment and drove to JJ's stopping on my way to get some food, water and electrolytes for her. I parked my car and walked to her door.

I walked in and checked her bedroom, but she wasn't there. That wasn't the only thing weird I saw there. There were a lot of boxes filled with clothes and other stuff. I raised my eyebrows and went to look for her. I found her in the kitchen, cleaning.

„There you are," I said kissing her cheek.

„Hey," she smiled, „I thought I told you not to come."

„You did, but I wanted to check if you have everything you need. I brought you cheetos along with other stuff. Are you feeling better?" I asked.

She smiled, „What I'm hearing is you brought a bribe. And it worked. Yeah, I'm better. Must've eaten something bad last night."

„What's with all the boxes?" I asked.

„Oh, uh, that," she stuttered, „I'm moving."

„Moving? Moving where?" I asked surprised.

„Well, that's the thing," she started, „Moving in with you?"

I looked at her with wide eyes, „Like, move in move in? For real?"

„It's a bad idea, right? I knew it was stupid," she sighed.

„No, no. Not at all," I said, „It's a great idea, just wasn't expecting it. But I want you to move in with me. I think that's perfect."

„You do?" She asked.

„I mean is it fast? Maybe. But we kinda live together already," I said, „And I've been standing in the back, watching the decade play us for fools enough now."

„That's what I was thinking," she said, „I also can't live here anymore."

„I'll get Derek to help move your things then," I said, „Emily wanted to have a girls night tonight, you in?"

„Yeah," she smiled, „But I'll pass on drinking."

„Same," I said, „Let's go get ready then."

We still had a lot of time so we watched some tv and I made us something to eat. I made a call to Derek asking for his help, to which he happily agreed.

I helped JJ pack some of her things and label the boxes. I let Emily know so she wouldn't be surprised in a few days. I don't think she would be surprised either way though. When it was getting late JJ changed her clothes and we drove back to my place, Emily and Penelope already waiting.

„Late to a thing in your own apartment," Penelope said, „That's some serious skill."

„You better not test me," I said pointing my finger at her.

„You can't be mad about it still," she said, „I got you a girl."

„I still don't know how you managed to get the girl," Emily said.

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