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We had a day off and I woke up around twelve pm. I checked my phone and responded to some work emails and then watched some youtube videos while doing my skincare routine.

I brushed my teeth and took a shower to help me wake up and went to the kitchen to get some coffee. Emily had a meeting this morning so she wasn't home. I grabbed my phone and called Jennifer. No answer. I decided to send her a quick text.

You okay?


Okay, then what was going on last night?

Nothing, I was just busy

Well are you busy tonight too?

Probably, yeah

I sighed and put my phone away. I didn't realize how much I've grown to like her. It was weird waking up and not having her beside me.

I'm not stupid though, I study behavior for a living and I know she's avoiding me. I just don't know why. I don't think I did or said anything wrong because once again, I study behavior and I know when I'm getting too far. That wasn't the case.

Our day off was cut short because of a case, so I quickly finished my coffee and went to change. I grabbed my go bag and drove to the bau. Everyone was already there.

"Seven minutes and twenty three seconds," Spencer said.

"What?" I asked.

"That's how late you are," Derek said.

"First of all, it's my day off. I could show up tomorrow and I wouldn't be late," I said.

"What's the case?" Emily asked.

"LDSK," Rossi said.

"Great, so profile won't get us anywhere this time," I said.

"No, but we can help with the geographical profile and figure out his next moves," Hotch said.

"Wheels up?" Spencer asked.

"Wheels up," Hotch nodded.

We got on the jet and did the briefing there. When we finished I went to grab a coffee from the back of the jet.

JJ was already there making one. I closed the curtain and poured myself a cup. I could feel her looking at me but when I turned to look at her she looked away.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"Coffee?" She asked.

"I mean why are you avoiding me?" I asked, "Are we going back to square one? I thought we were past that point."

"I'm not avoiding you," she said.

"Your body tenses when I enter the room, your back straightens, you look away or pull your phone out to look busy. You limit your words to minimum while speaking to me and go out of your way to not be left alone with me."

"Profiling me? I thought we were past that point," she said.

"Okay," I nodded, "Fine."

"I'm not avoiding you," she said, "It's not that simple."

"Then what?" I asked.

"I'm just busy," she said.

I scoffed, "Right, okay. Don't let me waist your time then," I said and went back to my seat.

I sat with Emily and Derek and we played uno the whole way there. I've lost every time, I swear I must've been forsaken or something. There's no other explanation for what's going on.

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