Unexpected guest

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„JJ you are pregnant," I said looking at her.

„What?" Maya that's ridiculous," she said looking at me like I was crazy.

„Okay I'm just gonna go get a test for you," I said getting up, „It'll be easier than guessing."

„Wait, uh," she said rubbing her forehead, „You don't need to go. I have two in my bag."

„Oh," I said sitting back down, „So you already considered it. And didn't say anything."

„I just didn't wanna say anything in case that's not what it is," she explained visibly getting stressed.

I nodded, „Go do it. It'll be fine."

„Are you?" She started but cut herself off.

„What?" I asked.

„Nothing," she said shaking her head and getting up, „I'll go do it."

„Just listen to me for a second okay?" I said grabbing her hand to stop her, „You know I adore you. I'm crazier for you than I was at sixteen. If that's what you're worried about then you don't have to."

She smiled a little and left. I was in shock. I didn't think about it sooner because, well, it's not like I can get her pregnant so I didn't consider it. This was big though and I was scared because I didn't know what it meant for us. I was sure that test would be positive and I by no means was a right person to be around a child.

While she was in the bathroom Emily called me from work asking where we were and telling me we had a case. I guess I forgot to call in sick in the middle of all this. I could definitely use a distraction though. I got up and went to knock on the bathroom door.

„JJ? You okay in there?" I asked.

„Uh, yeah. You can come in if you want to," she said unlocking the door.

I walked in and saw her sitting on the bathroom vanity, „What did it say?"

„I don't know yet," she said looking at a wall, „Two more minutes. Did you need something?"

I frowned a little, „Why are you being weird with me?"

„I'm not. It's just overwhelming you know? I didn't plan this," she said.

„We didn't plan a lot of things," I said coming closer to her and placing my hands on both sides of her legs, „It'll be okay, Jayje."

She took a deep breath and nodded, I looked at her, „Emily called. We uh, we have a case. Are we going? Do you feel okay?"

„Yeah. I wanna go," she said jumping off the counter and looking quickly at the test before putting it back down, „It's positive."

„I," I stopped and looked at her in shock, „It's positive?"

„What are you thinking right now?" She asked nervously.

„I uh, I think that if we wanna go on that case we have to hurry up," I said, „We can, um talk about it later. It's a tricky one, Em said it's a madhouse."

„Well, it's made for me," she said smiling to clear the air a bit.

I chuckled, „You and me both."

I panicked. I already knew it was gonna be positive, but now that it actually was truest hit me like a truck. I don't know how to deal with big things like that so I just ran to what I do best. Avoidance.

We hurried to the bau where the whole team was waiting for us. Spencer explained the case to us while we were on the jet. We had three missing women with the only witness being a three year old son of one of the women's.

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