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„Walk me through it again," I said to Hotch, during a talk we had in his office a couple days after we came back from last case.

„Maya, we've been doing this for over an hour now," he said.

„I know, I'm just trying to understand," I said, „What happens if I say no?"

„I can't predict what the director will wanna do," he said, „They could fire you. Or they could do nothing."

„Yeah, sure. Cause that ever happened," I said, „If they don't fire me they're gonna transfer me."

„That is a possibility, yes. Maya for what it's worth I really am sorry and I hate doing this," he said, „I tried to talk to them but it's above my head."

„I know," I sighed, „And if I don't do it, JJ will have to. I hate it, Aaron. It's a lose lose situation. She's not even trained for this."

„If you decide against it, she will be trained," he said.

„A month isn't enough for this kind of training. They just do whatever the hell they want and they don't care about what it does to people. They see us as their little robots," I told him, „And this is why we can't have nice things."

„If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to call me," he said getting up from his seat.

„Unless you can stop this, I think I'll be good," I said getting up and going to open the door, „Thanks though. I know it wasn't your call."

I walked out of his office and went back to my desk. I searched the room for JJ, but she wasn't there. Everyone else was doing their paperwork so I started mine too.

I was rereading my own report for the third time because I was too distracted with this whole thing. I kept trying to think of a way out of it without making it worse for anyone else.

„Hey, Prentiss," Derek said.

„What?" Emily and I asked at the same time.

He chuckled while shaking his head and David smiled, „Never gets old, huh?"

„Can't say the same about you, pasta man," I said and Emily high fived me.

„Hey!" He exclaimed, „What did I do to you? More importantly, what did pasta ever do to you?"

„Nothing, sorry dad," I said with a smirk.

„I'm starting to regret rejoining this team," he said.

„You love us and you know it," Emily said.

„I mean he's daughterless and you're both fatherless so I guess it works," Spencer said, „Maybe if you all met earlier the Prentiss sisters would be somewhat normal."

„Woah," Derek chuckled, „Pretty boy getting sassy."

„If you don't stop talking now, boy wonder, I will reread Gideon's letter to you," I said.

He chuckled and came over to fist bump me, „It was good though, wasn't it?"

I fist bumped him back, „It was actually, yeah. Looks good on you too."

„Thanks," he smiled going back to his desk.

„Will we find out what the hell you wanted Morgan?" Emily asked.

„Oh yeah," he said, „Little Prentiss, what's with you and Hotch having those secret meetings? Are you having an affair or something?"

„And here I thought you'd stop being so nosy after JJ and I got together," I said, „Speaking of JJ, I'll go find her."

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