~~103: EPEX Wish - Is he?~~

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y/n's POV
"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get a drink." I said to my best friend who I was on facetime with, heading downstairs for a glass of apple juice.

As I made my way to the kitchen, there was someone sitting on a stool by the kitchen island. Not just anyone, but my brother's best friend. I looked around to see if my brother, Donghyun was in sight and unfortunately he was, so as a result I did a little bow to his best friend who goes by Wish, and also a little 'hello.'

I cleared my throat at the unexpected sight and got out a glass, awkwardly filling it with apple juice.

"I'm gonna go to the toilet really quickly, be right back." Donghyun said to Wish, jogging to the bathroom.

I watched him up until the second the lock clicked on the door and engulfed Wish in a long kiss.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I whisper shouted.
"'Cause I came to hang out with Donghyun for one, and for two he told me you wouldn't be home since you're at your friend's house!" he replied, also whisper shouting.
"Ok well first, rude, second, she got sick so we're on call instead." I said.
"Oh. We're gonna watch a movie which probably means Donghyun will fall asleep so I'll let you know when he does and I'll come upstairs." he said to me at a speedy pace since we could already hear the toilet flushing.
"Alright, see you in a bit, love you." I said, kissing his temple and jogging as fast as I could while juggling a full glass of apple juice in my hand so that my brother doesn't see me.

"Wish is over." was the first thing I said to my best friend as soon as I got back to my room.
"Oh my Gosh, was your brother nearby?" she asked.
"At first yeah but then luckily he went to the toilet. But Wish is gonna try sneak up here later if my brother falls asleep so I'm just praying he does 'cause I wanna see my boyfriend." I rambled.

An hour later I was honestly getting impatient. My friend had to go, and there was nothing for me to do apart from wait for my boyfriend, but I was starting to lose that need to wait, so I texted him.

Is he asleep yet?

My Wish 🤭💖
On the verge

Ugh it's been ages what is taking
so long

My Wish 🤭💖
I've been asking myself the same

I miss uuu

Me toooo :(

My Wish 🤭💖
Just give it ten mins

I just went on tiktok for that hopeful ten minutes, and although a bit late, I finally got the text that read 'he's asleep. I'm coming'.

I smiled greatly and put my phone oncharge since I won't be needing it anyway and creaked the door open to see where Wish was at. I saw him expertly silent-walking down the hallway and then opened my door wider for him to come in.
Once I closed it though, he gently pushed me against it and began kissing my lips urgently while also smiling into it for a moment.

After a couple seconds he let go to tell me "I've missed you so much" while stroking my hair.
"I know, it's been so long." I replied.
"I bet you've been thinking about me, huh?" he asked.
"Don't talk to me like that." I flirted.

We continued to share gentle, sweet kisses for a few minutes, before a knock on my door startled the both of us.


It was my brother. How the fuck was he already awake?

"Go, quick hide under the desk or something!" I whisper shouted.

"One sec!" I yelled back.

I then opened the door when Wish was all hidden and my brother asked "have you seen Wish? He suddenly disappeared."

"Oh yeah, he told me to tell you he's popping by at the shop." I told him.
"What for?" he asked.
"Dunno, he didn't say." I said.
"Oh... okay." and he walked back downstairs.

"The shop?!" he whisper-shouted when he heard the door shut.
"Sorry, I panicked!"
"Could've said the toilet or something! Now I have to jump out your window!" he dramatically said.
"No you don't. What if you sneak down to the front door and shut it so that he believes you were outside?"
"Okay yeah that is actually smart."

Then I just had to mimick him before saying "and I'll go downstairs to 'get a snack' but I'll actually just give it to you so he believes you got something." I said to him.

"Okay. Thanks love." he smiled.

And in the end our plan magically succeeded, but it was nerve-wracking, lemme tell you.

word count: 811

word count: 811

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