~102: The Boyz Scenario - What 7 Minutes In Heaven With Them would be like~~

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a/n: my last chap gave me an idea so you know I gotta do this 😂

- I feel like he'd be your crush that you don't shut the damn fuck up about
- When the bottle landed on you your heart was about to jump out of your chest
- You were so nervous, you were scared you'd say something weird for whatever reason
- He'd initiate a conversation and you'd actually converse much better than you'd thought
- However the closeness of his body to yours while sitting next to eachother on the edge of the bed made your heart skip a couple beats every now and then
- He was so doing it on purpose 'cause he liked the effect he had on you
- He'd come close to your face in an attempt you seduce you or whatever while saying something and boy did it work.
- You were practically sweating.
- "When we get our phones back, you gotta give me that number of yours, pretty girl. or we can do that after we finish this off at my place. up to you, sweetie."

- He'd be one of those people that you're neither close enough to be friends with nor distant enough to be just acquaintances
- But you start a nice conversation which takes up most of the time and you actually laughed a lot together
- You didn't know he had such good humour and how much you two related
- You talked about food, music, hobbies, interests, dreams, whatnot.
- You two just clicked within minutes and he was so funny
- Then he suggested you two play a little game of how many things you can name based on a theme (I hope we all know that game lol), and he won most of them
- But then the door opened and you were surprised because it hadn't felt like seven minutes, it felt more like three.
- "You're such a cool person y/n, can we exchange numbers?"

- I think he'd be someone you just see round every now and then
- It was actually so awkward at first but then you gathered some courage and asked him how old he was
- Turns out you were the same age
- Despite the both of you being introverts, you were definitely the livelier one
- You seemed to bring up his mood in just a few seconds.
- It was probably just the fact you were tipsy, but he liked your vibe
- You two had a friendly conversation and that is it
- "No way! I love that game too! We should so play it together one day."

- I think he'd be that really sweet shy boy that's super unproblematic
- You two would probs just sit there and have a comfortable conversation
- You two would def relate in so many things and become besties and would want eachother's numbers afterwards
- When you get to know him tho he is a little bit crazy

- He's probably the most popular guy in uni but he's not a fuckboy he's just a lil cocky
- He doesn't mind what you guys do, he just secretly follows whatever you do because he doesn't wanna be disrespectful or anything
- However he likes to play with your mind a bit
- So somehow you ended up making out with him and it felt so nice, but you knew it would be a one time thing since he's really popular.
- But then
- "You are seriously like no other. Your aura is incredible. I need that number of yours ASAP."

- He'd be the guy that whenever you see him you think he's a bitch for no particular reason
- But then you talk and yeah he's got some attitude but you like it, and he's got a really good sense of humour
- You have a conversation with a few flirty bits and giggles here and there but nothing more
- He seemed to really like chatting with you
- "Girl we need to talk more, let's exchange numbers afterwards."

- I don't know why but I feel like he would either be drunk as hell or just sensible
- If he was drunk you'd barely ever seen him drunk and he probably just wrecked a few things and made weird conspiracy theories the whole time
- If he was sensible you two could range from chatting, laughing, flirting, to making out just to pass time
- Either way you'd probably be distant friends

- He'd be horny to begin with
- But he would respect it if you didn't want to have sex with someone you just met
- But you did admit he was really good-looking
- You two would get intimate depending on how far you'd be willing to go and he respects whatever decision you make and kinda just follows you along the way
- Whatever happens you two would probably keep in touch following this

- He'd be that one handsome boy from one of your classes
- You two would probably just sit there and have a comfortable conversation
- You definitely have a lot in common so you share a lot of laughs
- I feel like you'd do goofy demonstrations when telling some sort of story like you know what I mean?
- You would catch him glancing at your lips A LOT and staring at you when you speak with hearts shooting out his eyes
- AKA he's got a fat crush on you but you're just a little oblivious
- You two would definitely keep in touch afterwards

- I'm so sorry but he's either be a random fuckboy or your best friend who is a fuckboy that has a soft spot for you aka fwb
- You'd be shocked as hell because you liked him too but you just ended up making out for like the last four minutes
- If he's a fuckboy then you're well aware of that so you don't wanna be another one of his toys but you seem to have a nice conversation
- But then you just couldn't stop yourself because he was so hot like hello have u seen this man
- And when he kissed you his lips felt so soft and you were 200% captivated
- If he was your best friend you would have a pillow fight and then a tickle fight where you were crying from laughter since he was a bit tipsy and kept making idiotic jokes
- If he was your best friend thats a fuckboy you'd probably do the same except he'd ask you out in the end by magically proving to you somehow that you're his only one
- "Just trust yourself, and if I let you down then I'll remove myself from your life straight away, how's that sound?"

- He'd probably already be your boyfriend to begin with
- Your goofy, cute, needy boyfriend
- You start off play-fighting and talking about how easy this is gonna be
- Then you end up kissing but like in a flirty and giggly way so not really making out
- Or he'd be your drunkass best friend that you have to put up with
- You definitely took his ass home as soon as the seven minutes was up

a/n: I'll probs make more of these I kinda like it 🤭

word count: 1197

word count: 1197

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