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After less than 10 minutes, they arrived in front of a café. A large sign hung above the entrance, displaying the words "Dog Café."

Taehyung's eyes widened with excitement. He loved dogs, but unfortunately, his mother's allergies prevented him from having one as a pet.

Suppressing the urge to hug Jungkook in gratitude, Taehyung stepped inside. The sound of barking greeted them, and soon, Taehyung found himself kneeling down to pet the adorable dogs that roamed freely.

"Look, Jungkook, aren't they cute?" Taehyung said, his fingers gently stroking a small dog's fur.

Jungkook watched in awe, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, they sure are."

As Taehyung immersed himself in puppy cuddles, Jungkook decided to order something. Turning to Taehyung, he asked, "I'm going to order something. What would you like to eat?"

Taehyung settled on the floor, the puppies surrounding him. He smiled, enjoying their playful antics. "Oh, uh, I'll have a strawberry-filled croissant and a strawberry milkshake, thank you."

Jungkook went to the counter, amused by Taehyung's preference. After ordering a croissant, a milkshake for Taehyung and a coffee for himself he went back towards Taehyung.

"A strawberry-filled croissant and a strawberry milkshake? You really like strawberries, don't you?"

Taehyung nodded shyly. Even as a child, he adored the sweet taste of strawberries.

Taehyung got up and settled himself at the table across from Jungkook. The small puppies followed him, their eyes fixed on him as he sat down. Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle at their adoration.

"Those puppies love you, huh? It's like you're their mother" Jungkook remarked, reaching down to pick up one of the curious pups.

Their food arrived promptly. The waiter placed their pastries and drinks in front of them.

Jungkook took a sip of his coffee, observing Taehyung as he eagerly dug into his strawberry-filled croissant and sipped his milkshake. The sheer delight on Taehyung's face made Jungkook smile.

"You eat too fast," Jungkook said, amused by Taehyung's enthusiasm. "You're gonna choke if you keep eating like that. Slow down." He glanced back at his own coffee before taking another sip.

Taehyung blushed, realizing he'd been caught for eating too fast. He laughed nervously and made a conscious effort to pace himself as he continued enjoying his meal.

After finishing their meal and Taehyung bid goodbye to the puppies, they stepped outside. Their ways parted because Jungkook had other things to do, leaving Taehyung to walk home alone.

The next two days flew by, with Taehyung gradually growing more comfortable around Jungkook. Yet, his social anxiety persisted. Of course it didn't just vanish overnight. Social anxiety will always be there. Only in the presence of someone he trusted did he find respite from it's grip, allowing him to open up and converse more freely.

At 6 p.m., Taehyung lay on his bed, boredom settling in. He picked up a book, but even that failed to hold his interest for long. His gaze shifted to the nightstand, where the business card Jimin gave him rested. "Maybe I should try it... just once," he murmured to himself, attempting to muster courage. "Don't be such a coward."

Taehyung rose from his bed and walked into the living room, where his mother sat watching TV. She noticed him standing there and raised an eyebrow.

"What is it, dear?" she asked, turning off the TV and focusing her attention on her son.

Hesitant, Taehyung cleared his throat. His hands trembled slightly from nervousness. "U-uhm... Mom, I wanted to ask you something..."

His voice wavered as he continued, clutching the business card tightly.

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