Chapter 8

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As darkness encroached and reality grew malleable, each soul found itself cast adrift upon an inner sea. With material anchors stripped away, only the shadowed depths of psyche remained to plummet into.

Liam thrashed in sweat-soaked sheets, eyes moving frantically beneath weathered lids. Phantoms prowled his dreams as prey, preying upon long-buried guilts and griefs buried deep as the foundations. He saw again the night when reckless wave had swept his family screaming into night, and lantern had stood witness, impotent and accusing.

Nathan too relived ancient tragedies, revisiting the wreck that had stole his livelihood and left scars both physical and spiritual. On endless loop he watched friends dragged under by the devouring tides, the lantern's all-seeing eye mocking his struggles against the primal force.

Even sturdy Sam found no shelter from the internal storms. His dreams were filled with desperate memoranda and fragmented pieces of lives erased by the sea - entire generations swallowed without echo or anchor against oblivion. Their voices rose plaintive within him, lamenting the futility of all scholarship in the face of such vast and uncaring chaos.

Only Emily seemed untouched, weaving the threads of others' nightmares into mystical tapestries. Her lips shaped comforting murmurs, yet eyes saw visions beyond mortal ken, wisdom beyond years stirring fathomless as the soul-waters reflected in their drowning eyes.

Even resolute Charlotte found no escape upon those spectral tides. Lost at sea once more, she clawed uselessly against the swell as father's medals slipped forever from numbing fingers. Waves towered cold and malevolent as the lantern's all-noting gaze, condemnation manifest as the hungry Deep seeking to devour the last remnants of all she held dear.

So each found themselves cast adrift and battled nameless terrors, loneliness and guilt emerging in cracked mirrors reflecting immaterial psyches. With foundations stripped bare, how long until the depths' call proved too sweet to resist, and reason dissolved into the soul-waters streaming from each streaming eye? Upon that heaving sea where light could not penetrate, even life itself seemed but flotsam at the whims of capricious tides.

Darkness curled hungrily at the edges, sensing the moment was nigh for terrors both inner and outer to merge. Would any soul remain unsclaimable when dawn broke this maelstrom, or be lost to the howling chasms within? For now all that remained was Emily's litany and the guttering fire between mortal minds and the gaping abyss without. What refuge could there be, when even self had been consumed by the roiling Deep?

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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