Chapter8- break down🥺

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Can you send me your pic
Its very v v urgent
Iam playing cards and the queen is missing ;)
Here iam screaming historically cause someone here decided to prank me.
( flashback)
As i look back i saw a really scary ghost face really close to my face then the ghost started laughing so hard then i got to know its a person lol
( end of flashback)

You probably thinking who that person is well well lets see.

Ameera: startled Oh my gosh! What's that?

Kashish: bursts into laughter Gotcha! Sorry, Ameera, couldn't resist!

Ameera: heart racing You scared me half to death! Oh, you must be my new roommate, Kashish.

Kashish: still chuckling Guilty as charged! Nice to officially meet you, Ameera. Sorry about the scare.

Ameera: taking a deep breath No worries, I guess I needed a wake-up call. I'm Ameera, by the way.

Kashish: Pleasure to meet you, Ameera. Let's hope this is the last scare for a while! 

      As Ameera laid eyes on Kashish, she couldn't help but feel captivated by her striking beauty. Kashish exuded an air of elegance and sophistication, with plump lips that hinted at a gentle smile, long lashes that accentuated her gaze, and clear skin that seemed to glow in the light. Ameera was struck by the natural charm and grace with which Kashish carried herself, each feature complemented by the subtle flush of rosy cheeks. It was a moment of admiration, observed with a sense of reverence for the beauty before her.

 It was a moment of admiration, observed with a sense of reverence for the beauty before her

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(Aiman khan as kashish khan)

Ameera: Kashish, you're so beautiful. Honestly, you seem kind and pretty.

Kashish: Thank you, Ameera! But you're beautiful too. Inside and out.

Ameera: sighs It's hard to believe sometimes. I've always felt so insecure about myself.

Kashish: Why? You're amazing!

Ameera: It's a long story... tears well up My life back in India was so depressing. My parents passed away when I was 12, and my brother went to the US. I had to live with my aunt, who made my life a living hell. I couldn't even tell my brother because she threatened me.

Kashish: Oh, Ameera, I had no idea. That sounds awful.

Ameera: It was. But then my uncle found out and took me in. Eventually, I got a scholarship to study in the US.

Kashish: I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that. But I'm glad you're here now, and you're doing great.

Ameera: Thanks, Kashish. It means a lot to have someone like you to talk to.
Ameera: sobs It's just... it's so hard sometimes. I try to be strong, but it all just comes crashing down.

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